Jean-christophe Lucet

Connaissances médicales et paramédicales sur l'antibiorésistance bactérienne et l'application des préventions de transmission

International audience

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Knowledge of French Healthcare Workers about Antimicrobial Resistance: a Large Multicentre Study

International audience

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Detection of Temporal Clusters of Healthcare-Associated Infections or Colonizations with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Two Hospitals: Comparison of SaTScan and WHONET Software Packages.

International audience; The identification of temporal clusters of healthcare-associated colonizations or infections is a challenge in infection control. WHONET software is available to achieve these objectives using laboratory databases of hospitals but it has never been compared with SaTScan regarding its detection performance. This study provided the opportunity to evaluate the performance of WHONET software in comparison with SaTScan software as a reference to detect clusters of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A retrospective study was conducted in two French university hospitals. Cases of P. aeruginosa colonizations or infections occurring between 1st January 2005 and 30th April 2014 in the fi…

research product

Auswirkungen eines neuen Wassersystems auf nosokomiale Kolonisierung oder Infektion mit Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Aim: We aimed to study the impact of new water systems, which were less contaminated with P. aeruginosa, on the incidence of healthcare-associated P. aeruginosa cases (colonizations or infections) in care units that moved to a different building between 2005 and 2014. Methods: Generalized Estimated Equations were used to compare the incidence of P. aeruginosa healthcare-associated cases according to the building. Results: Twenty-nine units moved during the study period and 2,759 cases occurred in these units. No difference was observed when the new building was compared with older buildings overall. Conclusion: Our results did not support our hypothesis of a positive association between wat…

research product

Detection of temporal clusters of health care-associated infections or colonizations with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

International audience; We investigated temporal clusters of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cases between 2005 and 2014 in 1 French university hospital, overall and by ward, using the Kulldorff method. Clusters of positive water samples were also investigated at the whole hospital level. Our results suggest that water outlets are not closely involved in the occurrence of clusters of P aeruginosa cases.

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