Tomasz Kociumaka
Fast computation of abelian runs
Given a word $w$ and a Parikh vector $\mathcal{P}$, an abelian run of period $\mathcal{P}$ in $w$ is a maximal occurrence of a substring of $w$ having abelian period $\mathcal{P}$. Our main result is an online algorithm that, given a word $w$ of length $n$ over an alphabet of cardinality $\sigma$ and a Parikh vector $\mathcal{P}$, returns all the abelian runs of period $\mathcal{P}$ in $w$ in time $O(n)$ and space $O(\sigma+p)$, where $p$ is the norm of $\mathcal{P}$, i.e., the sum of its components. We also present an online algorithm that computes all the abelian runs with periods of norm $p$ in $w$ in time $O(np)$, for any given norm $p$. Finally, we give an $O(n^2)$-time offline randomi…
On the Greedy Algorithm for the Shortest Common Superstring Problem with Reversals
We study a variation of the classical Shortest Common Superstring (SCS) problem in which a shortest superstring of a finite set of strings $S$ is sought containing as a factor every string of $S$ or its reversal. We call this problem Shortest Common Superstring with Reversals (SCS-R). This problem has been introduced by Jiang et al., who designed a greedy-like algorithm with length approximation ratio $4$. In this paper, we show that a natural adaptation of the classical greedy algorithm for SCS has (optimal) compression ratio $\frac12$, i.e., the sum of the overlaps in the output string is at least half the sum of the overlaps in an optimal solution. We also provide a linear-time implement…