Effects of exercise on life quality in a rheumatoid arthritis patient
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic-degenerative disease characterized by symptoms that significantly impact on the functional capacity and thus, the ability to carry out daily functional activities reducing the quality of life (QoL). The aim was to evaluate the effects of a strength and conditioning (S&C) program on the quality of life (QoL), the self-perception disease impact, the self-fatigue perception and cardiovascular risk factors in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). 34-year-old woman (height: 1.40m; weight: 36.1kg) diagnosed with RA and CVD underwent a six-month S&C program with aerobic training 2-3 times a week in 1-3 sets of 5-15 minutes…