Inclusive Pion Double Charge Exchange on Light Nuclei above 0.5 GeV
Inclusive double charge exchange (DCX) reaction A(π −, π +) X on 6Li and 16O was for the first time measured at incident kinetic energy T 0 = 1.1 GeV ( ≈ 5°) for outgoing particle momentum region where additional pion production is kinematically forbidden. The experiment was performed at secondary π − beam of the ITEP proton synchrotron using the 3m magnet spectrometer. The measured double differential cross section at 1.1 GeV together with our previous results at 0.6 and 0.75 GeV [1] and with the lower energy data [2] and [3] shows rather slow decrease with energy. This result is in contradiction with the fast fall of small angle DCX cross section calculated [4] in the standard mechanism o…