I.a. Radkevich
Inclusive Pion Double Charge Exchange on Light Nuclei above 0.5 GeV
Inclusive double charge exchange (DCX) reaction A(π −, π +) X on 6Li and 16O was for the first time measured at incident kinetic energy T 0 = 1.1 GeV ( ≈ 5°) for outgoing particle momentum region where additional pion production is kinematically forbidden. The experiment was performed at secondary π − beam of the ITEP proton synchrotron using the 3m magnet spectrometer. The measured double differential cross section at 1.1 GeV together with our previous results at 0.6 and 0.75 GeV [1] and with the lower energy data [2] and [3] shows rather slow decrease with energy. This result is in contradiction with the fast fall of small angle DCX cross section calculated [4] in the standard mechanism o…
Inclusive pion double charge exchange on 16O at 0.6-1.1 GeV
The inclusive pion double charge exchange (DCX) on oxygen nuclei has been measured in the region where additional pion production is kinematically forbidden. The experiment was performed at ITEP PS at incident pi- kinetic energies T_0= 0.59, 0.75 and 1.1 GeV. The integrated forward differential cross section was found to decrease with energy slowly. At 1.1 GeV it exceeds the theoretical prediction within the conventional sequential single charge exchange mechanism with a neutral pion in the intermediate state (Glauber elastic rescattering) by about half an order of magnitude. The sequential mechanism with two pions in the intermediate state (Glauber inelastic rescatterings), which was propo…