The Right Frontopolar Cortex Is Involved in Visual-Spatial Prospective Memory
The involvement of frontopolar cortex in mediating prospective memory processes has been evidenced by various studies, mainly by means of neuroimaging techniques. Recently, one transcranial magnetic stimulation study documented that transient inhibition of left Brodmann Area (BA) 10 impaired verbal prospective memory. This result raises the issue of whether the BA 10 involvement in prospective memory functioning may be modulated by the physical characteristics of the stimuli used. The present study aimed to investigate the role of the frontopolar cortex in visual-spatial PM by means of the application of inhibitory theta-burst stimulation. Twelve volunteers were evaluated after inhibitory t…
Impaired reproduction of second but not millisecond time intervals in Parkinson's disease
The basal ganglia have been associated with temporal processing in ranges of milliseconds and seconds. However, results from PD patient studies are elusive. Time perception in these patients has been tested with different approaches including repetitive movement tasks (i.e. finger tapping) and cognitive tasks (i.e. time reproduction), and both abnormal and normal performances have been reported for different time intervals. Furthermore, when PD patients were required to learn two target durations in the same session when they were off medication, they overestimated the short duration and underestimated the long duration in the seconds range. This pattern of temporal accuracy was described a…