Marina Murillo Arcila
A Teaching proposal for the study of eigenvectors and eigenvalues
[EN] In this work, we present a teaching proposal which emphasizes on visualization and physical applications in the study of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. These concepts are introduced using the notion of the moment of inertia of a rigid body and the GeoGebra software. The proposal was motivated after observing students¿ difficulties when treating eigenvectors and eigenvalues from a geometric point of view. It was designed following a particular sequence of activities with the schema: exploration, introduction of concepts, structuring of knowledge and application, and considering the three worlds of mathematical thinking provided by Tall: embodied, symbolic and formal.
Coloring Linear Algebra
[EN] We present an example of how we can introduce basic concepts on Linear Algebra in a first course of an Engineering School. We use the RGB pattern color which allows us to decompose a color into three primary colors (namely, red, green, blue). By using this model we give a natural connexion between the additivity of the color decomposition and the notions on linear algebra (as vector space, linear combination and convex linear span of vectors). To visualize these connexions we use Geogebra.