Irene Ylönen

Kotimaiset tieteelliset julkaisut ja avoimuus

This study examines open access availability and self-archiving policies of 336 Finnish peer reviewed journals and serials which are classified at levels 1 to 3 in national Publication Forum. The study concludes that 53 % of Finnish peer reviewed publication channels are open access and 12 % of non-open access publication channels have defined their green open access policy to allow self-archiving. 6 % of publications practice delayed open access model and 2 % hybrid model. The study also concludes that only a small group of Finnish peer reviewed journals meet the focal Plan S requirements. peerReviewed

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Kotimaiset tieteelliset lehdet, rinnakkaistallennus sekä huomioita SHERPA/RoMEOsta

This report examines the actions taken for promoting the green OA in Finnish scholarly journals and their effects in 2016 and 2017. A Finnish-language form for suggesting publisher policies to SHERPA/RoMEO database was developed. It was linked into instructions for applying the government subsidy of scholarly publishing. Finally, a resolution on archiving was negotiated with the copyright organization responsible for distributing remunerations of a national license based article database (Elektra). Due to these actions, the number of announced self-archiving policies rose from 27 to 53. 24 policies were collected via the Finnish form and sent to SHERPA/RoMEO. In this connection, some shorta…

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Tiedonhankinnan opetuksen kehittäminen -hanke Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjastossa : hankeraportti

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Avoimen julkaisemisen kultainen reitti – mitä se maksaa?

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Avoimet kirjat osaksi korkeakoulujen julkaisukulttuuria : haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia

Kirjastojen on aktiivisesti oltava mukana edistämässä humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkimuksen moninaisuutta tukevaa avointa tieteellistä monografiajulkaisemista. Avoimet julkaisut ja aineistot eivät enää voi olla kirjastoissa niihin erikoistuneiden asiantuntijoiden tehtävää vaan ovat valtavirtaa, siksi niiden tuntemus kuuluu jokaisen kirjastoasiantuntijan osaamiseen. nonPeerReviewed

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Co-citation Percentile Rank and JYUcite : a new network-standardized output-level citation influence metric and its implementation using Dimensions API

AbstractJudging value of scholarly outputs quantitatively remains a difficult but unavoidable challenge. Most of the proposed solutions suffer from three fundamental shortcomings: they involve (i) the concept of journal, in one way or another, (ii) calculating arithmetic averages from extremely skewed distributions, and (iii) binning data by calendar year. Here, we introduce a new metric Co-citation Percentile Rank (CPR), that relates the current citation rate of the target output taken at resolution of days since first citable, to the distribution of current citation rates of outputs in its co-citation set, as its percentile rank in that set. We explore some of its properties with an examp…

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The Experience of Impecuniousness in a Noble Family at the End of the Nineteenth Century

Abstract Being a member of the elite imposed high demands on the livelihood of noble civil servant families in Finland at the end of the nineteenth century. Although the salaries of high-ranking officials were relatively substantial, they could not always ensure the standard of living which was demanded by the elite of the Grand Duchy of Finland. This article concerns the family of the governor, Baron Gustaf Aminoff, and their livelihood. The living of the Aminoff family was totally derived from Governor Aminoff's salaries and fees; they had no other sources of income, such as a manor or land. The Aminoff family constantly suffered a lack of money and its everyday consumption was rational a…

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Avoimen toimintakulttuurin palveluiden itsearviointityökalu

Toimintakulttuurin avoimen linjauksen tueksi on kehitetty palveluiden itsearviointityökalu, joka huomioi kaikkien aiempien avoimen tieteen kansallisten linjausten suositukset. Työkalun tarkoituksena on auttaa tutkimusorganisaatioita palveluiden itsearvioinnissa, kehittämisessä ja saataville asettamisessa. A self-evaluation tool for services has been developed to support the Policy for Open Scholarship, which takes into account the recommendations of all previous national policies on open science. The purpose of the tool is to assist research organisations in the self-evaluation and development of services and making them available. The organisation may produce the services alone, in coopera…

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ResearchGate vai julkaisuarkisto – vai molemmat?

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Kotimaisten tiedelehtien avoimuuslinjaukset keskitetysti SHERPA/RoMEO-palveluun

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Kirjoittajamaksut ja niiden seuranta : havaintoja ja kehitysehdotuksia. FinELibin Open APC -projektin loppuraportti

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Tallenna JYXiin, näy ja vaikuta

Posteri International Open Access Week, Jyväskylä, 22.10.2016

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Avoimen julkaisemisen muistilista

Posteri, International Open Access Week, Jyväskylä, 25.10.2016.

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Avoimen julkaisemisen vaihtoehdot

Esitelmä avoimen tieteen osaajakoulutuksessa Jyväskylässä 14.1.2016.

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Voiko tieteellisen tiedon jakaminen viedä vankilaan?

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Digitaalinen tekijänoikeuksien hallinnointi osaksi opinnäytteiden verkkojulkaisujärjestelmää

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Rinnakkaistallentaminen on laillinen ja mutkaton avoimen julkaisemisen tie

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