Skaidrīte Lasmane
Sekcija “Dezinformācijas un sazvērestību radītie riski demokrātijai: Latvijas pieredzes pārlūkošana”: Kopsavilkumi : 2021. gada 25. un 26. februāris
Latvijas Zinātnes padomes fundamentālo un lietišķo projektu programmas projekts “Dezinformācijas un sazvērestību radītie riski demokrātijai: Latvijas pieredzes pārlūkošana” (lzp-2019/1-0278)
Communication of Loneliness Emotions in the Online Vlogs and Their Moral Value
Using the method of visual narrative analysis and the grounded theory, the answers are searched for the questions—what are the most typical emotional experiences that go with the representation of loneliness in the public digital communication and how the modern communication technologies are enabling these representations? The analysis allows to understand what has been the most desired for the young people and what is wished but not acquired (or lost) subject or experience which resulted in the loneliness. Finally, the attention is paid to the loneliness performance’s possible role in creating a digital culture and making moral sense to existential and difficult subjective experience whic…