Marita Zitmane
Evils of the Istanbul Convention. Discourse analysis of Latvian press publications (2016) = Los efectos negativos del Convenio de Estambul. Análisis del discurso de publicaciones de prensa letonas (2016)
Abstract. The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence caused heated discussion both in society and media in Latvia. The controversy was caused because Convention is based on the understanding that violence against women is a form of gender-based violence that is committed against women because they are women. The discussion showed that there are various interpretations and misinterpretations of gender as a concept. As well as hostility towards gender equality interpreted as a propaganda against so called traditional family values. The mass media play an important role in shaping of public thought.The mass media today are the ma…
Sekcija “Dezinformācijas un sazvērestību radītie riski demokrātijai: Latvijas pieredzes pārlūkošana”: Kopsavilkumi : 2021. gada 25. un 26. februāris
Latvijas Zinātnes padomes fundamentālo un lietišķo projektu programmas projekts “Dezinformācijas un sazvērestību radītie riski demokrātijai: Latvijas pieredzes pārlūkošana” (lzp-2019/1-0278)
Patērētāja (at)veidojums Latvijas reklāmās perestroikas un pēcpadomju periodā: dzimtes identitātes diskurss (1985-2004)
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus