A. Corsico

Trends in the prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis in Italy between 1991 and 2010

The prevalence of asthma increased worldwide until the 1990s, but since then there has been no clear temporal pattern. The present study aimed to assess time trends in the prevalence of current asthma, asthma-like symptoms and allergic rhinitis in Italian adults from 1990 to 2010. The same screening questionnaire was administered by mail or phone to random samples of the general population (age 20-44 yrs) in Italy, in the frame of three multicentre studies: the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) (1991-1993; n=6,031); the Italian Study on Asthma in Young Adults (ISAYA) (1998-2000; n=18,873); and the Gene Environment Interactions in Respiratory Diseases (GEIRD) study (2007-2…

research product

Biomarkers in obstructive respiratory diseases: An update

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways, with the involvement of many inflammatory cells and mediators. Traditionally, this inflammation is thought to spread to a systemic level, thus inducing damage of different organs. However, other pathogenetic mechanisms could take part to the above-described process, and some open questions need to be solved. Due to the burden and increasing prevalence of COPD, the opportunity to find biomarkers that can potentially be useful in identifying individuals with the disease, or better, prior to symptoms onset, to diagnose and properly manage the respiratory symptoms, as well as to evaluate the re…

research product