Jean-pierre Féral
Understanding processes at the origin of species flocks with a focus on the marine Antarctic fauna
Species flocks (SFs) fascinate evolutionary biologists who wonder whether such striking diversification can be driven by normal evolutionary processes. Multiple definitions of SFs have hindered the study of their origins. Previous studies identified a monophyletic taxon as a SF if it displays high speciosity in an area in which it is endemic (criterion 1), high ecological diversity among species (criterion 2), and if it dominates the habitat in terms of biomass (criterion 3); we used these criteria in our analyses. Our starting hypothesis is that normal evolutionary processes may provide a sufficient explanation for most SFs. We thus clearly separate each criterion and identify which biolog…
Changement climatique et suivi de la biodiversité marine côtière aux Iles Kerguelen
Nearshore marine habitats of the French sub-Antarctic islands concentrate a rich and unique biodiversity that is currently facing climate change and its still not well-understood and multifaceted effects. Understanding the impact of these changes and predicting the potential response of ecosystems requires advanced knowledge of marine life and the achievement of uninterrupted and long-term observing programs. The Proteker program, no. 1044 of the French Polar Institute Paul-Émile Victor, has been developped in partnership with the National Nature Reserve of French Southern Territories in order to establish an observatory of coastal marine biodiversity in the Kerguelen Islands and evaluate t…
Recent climate variability around the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) seen through weather regimes
AbstractDaily weather regimes are defined around the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) based on daily 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies derived from the ERA5 ensemble reanalysis over the period 1979-2018. Ten regimes are retained as significant. Their occurrences are highly consistent across reanalysis ensemble members. Regimes show weak seasonality and non-significant long-term trends in their occurrences. Their sequences are usually short (1-3 days), with extreme persistence values above 10 days. Seasonal regime frequency is mostly driven by the phase of the Southern Annular Mode over Antarctica, mid-latitude dynamics over the Southern Ocean like the Pacific South American mode, and …
Patterns of genetic diversity and structure in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Nacella (Patellogastropoda: Nacellidae) species.
10 pages; International audience; The biogeography of the Southern Ocean reflects complex interactions between major macro-evolutionary forces and biotic elements. Major gateway openings, the establishment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and climate cooling are deeply connected to the composition, abundance and distribution of the Southern Ocean marine benthic fauna. Glacial episodes of the Quaternary heavily impacted the distribution of the genetic variation of the Southern Ocean biota. The genus Nacella includes 12 nominal species in different provinces of the Southern Ocean. In this study, we compared patterns of mitochondrial DNA diversity in three Nacella species from Antarctic Pe…
The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of Sterechinus bernasconiae Larrain, 1975 (Echinodermata, Echinoidea), an enigmatic Chilean sea urchin
15 pages; International audience; Sterechinus is a very common echinoid genus in benthic communities of the Southern Ocean. It is widely distributed across the Antarctic and South Atlantic Oceans and has been the most frequently collected and intensively studied Antarctic echinoid. Despite the abundant literature devoted to Sterechinus, few studies have questioned the systematics of the genus. Sterechinus bernasconiae is the only species of Sterechinus reported from the Pacific Ocean and is only known from the few specimens of the original material. Based on new material collected during the oceanographic cruise INSPIRE on board the R/V Melville, the taxonomy and phylogenetic position of th…
Morphological and genetic analyses reveal a cryptic species complex in the echinoid Echinocardium cordatum and rule out a stabilizing selection explanation.
14 pages; International audience; Preliminary analyses revealed the presence of at least five mitochondrial clades within the widespread sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum (Spatangoida). In this study, we analyzed the genetic (two mitochondrial and two nuclear sequence loci) and morphological characteristics (20 indices) from worldwide samples of this taxon to establish the species limits, morphological diversity and differentiation. Co-occurring spatangoid species were also analyzed with mitochondrial DNA. The nuclear sequences confirm that mitochondrial lineages correspond to true genetic entities and reveal that two clades (named A and B1) hybridize in their sympatry area, although a more…
Contrasting biogeographical patterns in Margarella (Gastropoda: Calliostomatidae: Margarellinae) across the Antarctic Polar Front
International audience; Members of the trochoidean genus Margarella (Calliostomatidae) are broadly distributed across Antarctic and sub-Antarctic ecosystems. Here we used novel mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences to clarify species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships among seven nominal species distributed on either side of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF). Molecular reconstructions and species-delimitation analyses recognized only four species: M. antarctica (the Antarctic Peninsula), M. achilles (endemic to South Georgia), M. steineni (South Georgia and Crozet Island) and the morphologically variable M. violacea (=M. expansa, M. porcellana and M. pruinosa), with populations in s…
Kerguelen, un archipel sous haute surveillance
Avec ses côtes découpées et sans cesse battues par les vents, les Kerguelen sont restées longtemps inaccessibles aux biologistes marins. Si sa situation géographique et son isolement exceptionnels rendent cet archipel particulièrement vulnérable aux changements climatiques, ils en font aussi un laboratoire idéal pour en étudier les effets…
Absence inattendue d'espèces endémiques insulaires: Dissémination sur de longues distances chez des espèces de Siphonaria sub-antarctique de haute latitude (Gastropoda: Euthyneura)
International audience; Aim: We assess biogeographical patterns, population structure and the range of species in the pulmonate genus Siphonaria across the sub‐Antarctic. We hypothesized that locally endemic cryptic species will be found across the distribution of these direct‐developing limpets in the sub‐Antarctic.Location: The sub‐Antarctic coasts of the Southern Ocean including South America, the Falkland/Malvinas, South Georgia, Kerguelen and Macquarie Islands.Methods: Multi‐locus phylogenetic reconstructions, mtDNA time‐calibrated divergence time estimations and population‐based analyses of Siphonaria populations were used at the scale of the Southern Ocean.Results: We resolve two wid…
Genetic structure and demographic inference of the regular sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri (Meissner, 1900) in the Southern Ocean: the role of the last glaciation
22 pages; International audience; One of the most relevant characteristics of the extant Southern Ocean fauna is its resiliency to survive glacial processes of the Quaternary. These climatic events produced catastrophic habitat reductions and forced some marine benthic species to move, adapt or go extinct. The marine benthic species inhabiting the Antarctic upper continental shelf faced the Quaternary glaciations with different strategies that drastically modified population sizes and thus affected the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation. Here we present new genetic information for the most conspicuous regular sea urchin of the Antarctic continental shelf, Sterechinus…