Giovanna Federico

Integrated approach to the assessment of waste management systems within the SEA framework

This paper addresses the problem of evaluating the environmental performances of Urban Waste Systems. Specifically, the paper refers to the crucial problem of environmentally analysing the Urban Waste System Management Process. The application of the Dashboard of Sustainability has been deliberately suggested. The method has been selected because of its intrinsic simplicity and because it can provide the simultaneous evaluation of indicators which refer to different fields, such as the Environment, Economics and Quality in Institutional Services. The method has been applied to the city of Palermo. The results obtained have been compared to a couple of ideal scenarios.

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I materiali fibrosi naturali – Legno, paglia, cotone e altri materiali per un’edilizia sostenibile

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An integrated and shared approach to sea of the regional town master plan of Sicily

The work addresses one of the most important problems in contemporary environmental land planning. Already existing procedures, in fact, must now conform to the new requirements imposed by the recent national and international regulations and standards that call for a more conscious approach to the use of natural resources. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), for example, takes into account, the different effects of a plan in various fields such as the environment, the economy and the development. This obviously calls for global analysis tools that could help administrators, stakeholders and technicians in the decision-making process of such complex systems. SEA of the Town Master Pla…

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Valutazione ambientale della gestione dei rifiuti urbani nel comune di Palermo tramite la procedura LCA: il ruolo del sistema di trasporto

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17β-hydrossisteroid deydrogenase-3 deficiency (17 βHSD): clinical and endocrine features and molecular biology in two prepubertal patients

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A simplified method for the environmental impact of urban transportation

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Individuazione di strumenti sintetici di analisi per la Valutazione Ambientale Strategica. Applicazione ad un Piano Territoriale Urbanistico Regionale

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Le caratteristiche termo fisiche dei materiali bioedili – Alcuni dati preliminari di laboratorio

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Pseudoermafroditismo maschile con completo sex reverse: studio clinico, endocrinologico e genetico molecolare di 33 pazienti

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Il ruolo della raccolta differenziata

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In Itinere STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT of an integrated provincial waste system

In the paper, the practical problem of analysing in an integrated way the performance of provincial waste systems is approached, in the framework of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). In particular, the in itinere phase of SEA is analysed herein. After separating out a proper group of ambits, to which the waste system is supposed to determine relevant impacts, pertinent sets of single indicators are proposed. Through the adoption of such indicators the time trend of the system is investigated, and the suitability of each indicator is critically revised. The structure of the evaluation scheme, which is essentially based on the use of ambit issues and analytical indicators, calls …

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La Valutazione Ambientale Strategica dei piani di gestione dei rifiuti: applicazione alle fasi di raccolta, trasporto e riutilizzo

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