Tanino Santangelo
Utilizzo di immagini in multispettrale da satellite per lo studio della variabilità di alcuni parametri vegetativi e produttivi del vigneto
Effetti della cultivar e del regime colturale sulla risposta spettrale della chioma di Vitis vinifera L.
On the relationship between some production parameters and a vegetation index in viticulture
The use and timing of many agronomical practices such as the scheduling of irrigation and harvesting are dependent on accurate vineyard sampling of qualitative and productive parameters. Crop forecasting also depends on the representativeness of vineyard samples during the whole phenological period. This manuscript summarizes the last two years of precision viticulture in Sicily (Italy); agronomic campaigns were carried out in 2012 and 2013 within the "Tenute Rapitalà" and "Donnafugata" farms. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index derived from satellite images (RapidEye) acquired at berry set, pre-veraison and ripening phenological stages (occurred at June, July and August respectively) ha…
Variazione territoriale della temperatura alla toposcala e qualità dell'uva della cv Nero d'Avola
Approccio GIS (Geografical Information System) per la stima dei parametri produttivi del vigneto
Effetti degli interventi in verde sul comportamento vegeto-produttivo della cv Malvasia delle Lipari
Variazione territoriale alla toposcala e qualità dell'uva della cv Nero d'Avola
Soil Carbon Budget Account for the Sustainability Improvement of a Mediterranean Vineyard Area
Sustainable viticulture is suggested as an interesting strategy for achieving the objectives of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction in terms of mitigation and adaptation. However, knowledge and quantification of the contribution of sustainable vineyard management on climate change impact are needed. Although it is widely assessed by several authors that the agricultural stage has a great impact in the wine chain, very few studies have evaluated the greenhouse gas emission in this phase including the ability of soil to sequester carbon (C) or the off-farm C loss by erosion. This work aimed to provide a vineyard carbon budget (vCB) tool to quantify the impact of grape production on…
Comparing actual evapotranspiration and plant water potential on a vineyard
Agricultural water requirement in arid and semi-arid environments represents an important fraction of the total water consumption, suggesting the need of appropriate water management practices to sparingly use the resource. Furthermore the quality and quantity of some crops products, such as grape, is improved under a controlled amount of water stress. The latter is related, on a side to actual evapotranspiration (ET) through water demand, on the other side to plant water content through leaf water potential. Residual energy balance approaches based on remote sensing allow to estimate the spatial distribution of daily actual ET at plant scale, representing an useful tool to detect its spati…
Confronto tra evapotraspirazione effettiva e potenziale idrico fogliare da dati telerilevati e micrometeorologici
Effetto del regime idrico sulla crescita e distribuzione dell'apparato radicale in Vitis vinifera L
Ruolo delle distanze di impianto nella formazione del vigneto
Sampling strategy and minimum sample size to judge correct determination of grape maturity
The key to a good estimate of fruit maturity is to collect a sample that is truly representative of the entire harvested unit (i.e., block of one variety, plot). It is important to recognize the high level of variability in fruit composition that exists within a vineyard and even within a single fruit cluster. The target of this research was to determine grape quality selecting a correct sampling strategy (part of cluster, bunch and whole vine) and minimum sample size according to vineyard variability. The results show less variability on part of bunches than whole vine and single bunch samples. Less amount of grape samples, over estimated primary and secondary metabolite levels. Finally th…
Effetto della cultivar e del regime colturale sulla risposta spettrale della chioma in Vitis vinifera L.
Lo studio consente di caratterizzare le risposte spettrali all’invaiatura di chioma ed acino di alcune cultivar a bacca nera della piattaforma ampelografica siciliana. La variabilità tra le risposte spettrali delle foglie all’interno della stessa chioma, nonché le variazioni spettrali anche al variare del regime irriguo consentono di effettuare un’analisi comparativa delle cultivar. In questo quadro, le firme spettrali integrano la descrizione ampelografica di chioma e bacche che caratterizza la Vitis Vinifera L.. Infine l’applicazione su un’area pilota di tecniche di classificazione di immagini remote basate sulle caratteristiche spettrali delle cultivar, consente di valutarne le performan…
In this study we reported the results of a second year of study conducted during 2008 season on irrigated Cabernet Sauvignon\ 1103 P vineyard. We addressed the study of whether differences in berry size (within a population of berries from different bunches) would lead to differences in qualitative parameters and whether flowering process can influence berries variability and qualitative parameters. Berries were classified at pea size into two categories according to their equatorial diameter: ≤ 7 mm as small and ≥ 9 mm as large berries. Development of the two berry categories was evaluated from “pea size” (12th June) to harvest (16th September) in terms of berry mass, equatorial berry diam…
Pre dawn, stem and leaf water potential evolution in Vitis vinifera L. cv Nero d’Avola/1103 P. under different water regime
Pre dawn, stem and leaf water potential evolution under different water regime were investigated in Nero d’Avola cultivar grafted onto 1103 Paulsen. The study was carried out in Rapitalà winery located in Alcamo DOC area in western Sicily. The vines were 2.4 m x 0.95 m spaced, for a density of 4385 vines/ha. Vines were trained to a vertical trellis system, spur pruned. The vineyard was drip irrigated (4 l/h). Three treatments were applied: 1. vines grown without irrigation water: dry condition; 2. vines irrigated until véraison with 560 m3 : late stress; 3. vines irrigated until ripeness with 1120 m3 : no stress. The aim of the study was to find the different behaviors of Ψp, Ψl e Ψs during…
Climate and quality in the grapevine: analysis of control factors at the toposcale in Sicily.
Effect of irrigation and soil type on root growth and distribution of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Nero d'Avola grown in Sicily
Berries variability: causes and effects on the quality of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’
In this study the objective was to investigate if differences in berry size (within a population of berries from different bunches) and flowering process would lead to differences in qualitative parameters and berries variability. The trial was conducted during the 2009 vegetative season at an irrigated ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’/1103 P vineyard. At the beginning of flowering, for 100 inflorescences, all open flowers were marked by red ink while 5 days later, closed flowers were marked by black ink. Open and closed flower distribution was investigated along the rachis. At pea size, 20 marked bunches were sampled. The diameter and weight of all berries was measured and Gaussian distribution was pe…
The use of vineyard spectral signatures to identify table grape cultivars
Vineyards have characteristic responses to sunlight. The reflectance values at the different wavelengths are typical of vegetation and define its spectral signature. The aim of this work was to determine the spectral signatures of table grape vineyards located in the production area of Robinvale (Victoria, Australia) in order to identify cultivars in the vineyard. Spectral signatures were detected from images in eight bands from the Worldview 3 platform. Spectral signatures for a representative number of plots were extracted using satellite reflectance images for each cultivar. Spectral signatures were also collected in the field, from the same cultivars, with a FieldSpec® HandHeld 2 portab…
Analisi multitemporale delle relazioni tra parametri produttivi e indice di vegetazione in viticoltura
L’efficacia degli interventi agronomici dipendono dalla capacità di programmazione in termini di tempo e intensità di intervento. Questultimi aspetti possono essere calibrati tramite una corretta conoscenza delle caratteristiche produttive e qualitative dei parametric di campo e della loro variabilità nel tempo e nello spazio. La viticoltura di precisione fornisce un supporto valido alla definizione della variabilità di campo e temporale dei parametric vegetative e produttivi. Questo lavoro sintetizza due anni di viticoltura di precisione in Sicilia, nelle campagne agronomiche consotte nel 2012 e 2013 in due aziende vitivinicole “Tenute Rapitalà” e “Donnafugata”. L’indice di vegetazione nor…
A sensitivity analysis of a surface energy balance model to LAI (Leaf Area Index)
The LAI is a key parameter in hydrological processes, especially in the physically based distribution models. It is a critical ecosystem attribute since physiological processes such as photosynthesis, transpiration and evaporation depend on it. The diffusion of water vapor, momentum, heat and light through the canopy is regulated by the distribution and density of the leaves, branches, twigs and stems. The LAI influences the sensible heat flux H in the surface energy balance single source models through the calculation of the roughness length and of the displacement height. The aerodynamic resistance between the soil and within-canopy source height is a function of the LAI through the rough…