A. La Manna
Spectroscopic response of a CdZnTe multiple electrode detector
Abstract The spectroscopic performances of a CdZnTe detector (crystal size: 5×5×0.9 mm 3 ) with five electrodes (cathode, anode and three steering electrodes) were studied. The anode layout, which consists of a circular electrode ( φ =80 μm) surrounded by two ring electrodes (gap=100 μm; radial width Δ r =100 μm) and by one electrode that extends to the edge of the crystal, is mostly sensitive to the electron carriers, overcoming the well known effect of the hole trapping in the measured spectra. We report on the spectroscopic response of the detector at different bias voltages of the electrodes and at various photon energies ( 109 Cd, 241 Am and 57 Co sources). The CdZnTe detector exhibits…
A fourier-based algorithm for micro-calcification enhancement in mammographic images
Breast cancer is the most widespread cancer in women in the world; it manifests mostly in two forms: microcalcifications and massive lesions. These two forms differ in density, size, shape and number. Consequently, there are two different kinds of mammographic CAD algorithms: those for microcalcifications detection, and those for massive lesions detection. The microcalcifications detection is a hard task, since they are quite small and often poorly contrasted against the background, especially in images affected by digitization noise. In a CAD system the ROI Hunter plays an important role, because missed microcalcifications at this level are definitely lost. For this reason, highlighting me…
Portable CdTe detection system for mammographic X-ray spectroscopy
This paper describes a portable apparatus to be utilized in mammographic X-ray spectroscopy under clinical conditions. The system, based on a CdTe solid-state detector, is able to directly measure mammographic X-ray tube spectra. Good system response to monoenergetic photons was measured using X-ray and γ-ray calibration sources (109Cd and 241Am). The measured molybdenum X-ray spectra, in agreement with simulated spectra, show the good spectral capability of the system also at high photon fluence rates, as typical of clinical mammography. Low tailing, no secondary X-ray escape and low pile-up distortions in the measured spectra indicate that this portable system is suitable for mammographic…