Can the balloon expulsion test be used to exclude the diagnosis of'"dyssynergic defecation"?
BACKGROUND: Fimctional constipation (FC) is a common disorder, particularly frequent m women. The aim of our study was to compare the results of balloon expulsion test with the manometry and defecography findings to exclude dyssynergic defecation (DD) in patients with chronic constipation. METHODS: From January 2005 to December 2011, 127 patients with the diagnosis of functional constipation were recruited retrospectively. They were divided into three groups: 24 with DD, 54 with descending perineum syndrome (PDS), 49 without DD/PDS. Diagnosis of DD was established by manometnc and defecographic fmdmgs according to Rome EH criteria. RESULTS: The balloon expulsion test was abnormal m 11 out o…