Concepción Aroca Montolío
La teoría del aprendizaje social como modelo explicativo de la violencia filio-parental
En contra de lo que se mantenía hasta la década de los 70 del siglo pasado, el contexto familiar es el más violento, puesto que en éste puede darse la violencia parento-filial, en la pareja, entre hermanos y la violencia filio-parental. En este artículo nos centramos en la violencia de los adolescentes contra sus progenitores siendo el primer objetivo delimitar y definir tanto el término de la violencia familiar como el de la filio-parental para lograr comprender algunas de las causas que consigan explicar este fenómeno a partir de la teoría del aprendizaje social. Esta teoría se presenta como un modelo explicativo sugerido por casi la totalidad de los autores que estudian e investigan la v…
La violencia filio-parental : una aproximación a sus claves
La violencia de hijos adolescentes contra sus progenitores
[EN] According to Prosecutor¿s Office of the Minor, the accusation interposed by mothers and/or fathers victims by theirs children, along 2007 were 2603, in 2008 amounted 4.211, in 2009 there were 5.209 and in 2010 there were 8.000 accusations. Suede this worrying increase, the principal aim of our article is to check the scientific international and national documentation, from 1957 until the year 2010 that analyses the phenomenon of the adolescent violence against parents, to achieve an approximation to its keys that there allows us the comprehension and analysis of this serious familiar problem. For it we will analyse: (a) the importance of this crime by means of criminological mediators…
El modelo criminológico de evaluación e intervención para menores en conflicto con la ley/The criminological model of assessment and intervention for children in conflict with the law
Los países occidentales han experimentado en las cuatro últimas décadas una inclinación hacia modelos de justicia más reactivos, punitivos o retribucionistas (Garland, 2005; Giménez y Alba, 2014). Ha sido especialmente dentro del ámbito anglosajón (Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña) donde esta nueva cultura del delito ha sido más destacable (Ashworth, 2005; Fernández-Molina, 2008). Europa, sin embargo, ha sabido resistirse a esta tendencia punitiva, intentando mantener un precario equilibrio entre los modelos propiamente retribucionistas y las políticas de bienestar. Por su parte, en Latinoamérica, en un intento por suavizar esta corriente punitiva, en la última década se ha evolucionado hacia …
La violencia en espacios públicos en adolescentes en la comunidad valenciana
[EN] The aim of our research is to know statistically prevelancia and types of aggressive behavior against school, but in public spaces (on the way from home to school / college, and college / school to home), while there is own voice to the school (victims and perpetrators) with what we understand we study the problem from a new perspective. The sample is representative of the Valencia of the total school population in this community among adolescents between 11 and 16 years.The analysis of the results was carried out at various levels of analysis: on a first level, statistical techniques have been used with traditional indicators (means, percentages, etc.). To allow description and compar…
Teoría de la educación : revista interuniversitaria
Family, as the first structure that receives minor, owns a big importance with regard to other educational spaces during the integral development of children. In it and through it decisive and persistent transmissions for the human being that come to realize through some parental concretes styles, take place. In this article we analyzed two approaches, from our perspective, valid for explaining the educative styles nowadays: the model of joint construction and the interactive model, with typologies and researches that have not had quite echo in other publications and those we think are outstanding to open new lines of research. Revised scientific reports are brought by Pedagogy, Psychology …
Program for the Prevention of Violence among Teenage Couples in the School Setting
Domestic violence remains one of the major problems in the 21st century entailing severe costs and consequences for the victims. Despite the promulgated laws, this type of violence has increased among adolescents. Although several theories have been put forward to explain the causes of domestic violence, a psychobiological or social-educative explanation that proposes an agreed starting point for understanding and preventing this phenomenon is lacking. Experts in the field agree on the need for programs that focus on this relational problem; however, existing programs for adolescents have a broad spectrum where the prevention of domestic violence is just one more aspect of their objectives.…
Resumen es: La violencia filio-parental ha experimentado un importante incremento de denuncias interpuestas por madres y padres maltratados a manos de sus hijos meno...
Intervenció educatia en processos d’adaptació social
El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. La Intervenció Educativa en matèria d’Adaptació Social es centra en l'estudi, anàlisi i tècniques d’intervenció per a diferents subjectes que presenten conductes que comporten problemes socials, relacionals i dificultats conductuals de natura antisocial i/o delictiva, al llarg del seu desenvolupament evolutiu. Per això, el seu objectiu principal és que els estudiants puga obtenir coneixement (teòrics i pràctics), competències i habilitats instrumentals necessàries per aconseguir tant conèixer les causes, conseqüències i programes d'intervenció eficaç i…