Laying date and clutch size of Great Tits(Parus major) in the Mediterranean region: a comparison of four habitat types
Laying data and clutch size of Great Tits were studied in four different habitats in eastern Spain: two holm oak(Quercus ilex) forests, at 500 and 900–950 m a.s.l., a zeen oak(Quercus faginea) forest, at 900–1100 m a.s.l., a pine(Pinus sylvestris) forest, at 1000–1050 m a.s.l., and orange(Citrus aurantium) plantations, at 30 m a.s.l. All sites were placed at about the same latitude (39–41°N), and all were studied during the same years (1992–95). Our results show that (1) laying date did not differ between the natural habitats at the same altitude (range of the means of yearly means 4–8 May); (2) within the same habitat type (holm oak forest) laying date was earlier at low altitude (30 April…