Nadia Bouloufa-maafa
Optical Shielding of Destructive Chemical Reactions between Ultracold Ground-State NaRb Molecules
Polar quantum gases represent promising platforms for studying many-body physics and strongly correlated systems with possible applications e.g. in quantum simulation or quantum computation. Due to their large permanent electric dipole moment polar molecules in electric field exhibit strong long-range anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions (DDIs). The creation and trapping of ultracold dipolar diatomic molecules of various species are feasible in many experimental groups nowadays. However long time trapping is still a challenge even in the case of the so called nonreactive molecules which are supposed to be immune against inelastic collisions in their absolute ground state [1] . Various hyp…
Two-photon optical shielding of collisions between ultracold polar molecules
We propose a method to engineer repulsive long-range interactions between ultracold ground-state molecules using optical fields, thus preventing short-range collisional losses. It maps the microwave coupling recently used for collisional shielding onto a two-photon transition, and takes advantage of optical control techniques. In contrast to one-photon optical shielding [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 153202 (2020)], this scheme avoids heating of the molecular gas due to photon scattering. The proposed protocol, exemplified for 23Na39K, should be applicable to a large class of polar diatomic molecules.