A novel TiO2-assisted magnetic nanoparticle separator for treatment and inactivation of bacterial contaminants in aquatic systems
Ferromagnetic nanoparticles (Fe-nanoparticles) have been functionalized with recombinant poly- Glu [glutamic acid]-tagged silicatein, a biomineral-synthesizing enzyme from siliceous sponges that forms the inorganic silica skeleton of those animals. The biocatalytic activity of silicatein was used to form a titania (TiO2) shell around the iron nanoparticle core, using the water-soluble non- natural substrate titanium bis(ammonium lactato)-dihydroxide (TiBALDH). Thereby the diameter of the nanoparticles increases from 7 nm to ≈22 nm. This procedure also allows the layer-by-layer fabrication of titania/silica- Fe-nanoparticles. SEM/EDX analysis confirmed the presence of the Ti and Si signals i…