First evidence of underwater sounds emitted by the living fossils Lepidurus lubbocki and Triops cancriformis (Branchiopoda: Notostraca)
Sound is the most effective means of communication in marine and freshwater ecosystems. However, no data about acoustic emissions from non-malacostracan crustaceans are currently available, so their ability to produce sounds is unknown. For the first time, this study investigated the sound produced by 2 tadpole shrimp species,Triops cancriformisandLepidurus lubbocki.L. lubbockiindividuals were collected from a natural temporary pond in Sicily (Italy), whereasT. cancriformisindividuals were obtained from eggs contained in sediment from a rock pool in Sardinia (Italy). In the laboratory, experimental tanks with the animals (one species at a time) were acoustically monitored. Both species prod…