Amanda L. Rebar
Comparing motivational, self-regulatory and habitual processes in a computer-tailored physical activity intervention in hospital employees - protocol for the PATHS randomised controlled trial.
Abstract Background Most people do not engage in sufficient physical activity to confer health benefits and to reduce risk of chronic disease. Healthcare professionals frequently provide guidance on physical activity, but often do not meet guideline levels of physical activity themselves. The main objective of this study is to develop and test the efficacy of a tailored intervention to increase healthcare professionals’ physical activity participation and quality of life, and to reduce work-related stress and absenteeism. This is the first study to compare the additive effects of three forms of a tailored intervention using different techniques from behavioural theory, which differ accordin…
Reflective and Impulsive Processes Underlying Saving Behavior and the Additional Roles of Self-Control and Habit
Using a dual-process framework, the aim of this research was to investigate the associations between reflective and impulsive processes and saving behavior. Self-control and saving habit were tested as additional factors that potentially moderate the relationship between constructs representing reflective and impulsive processes and behavior, or exert indirect effects on behavior through these systems. A community sample of 594 participants completed measures of saving intention, buying impulsiveness, trait self-control, saving automaticity, and propensity to save money. A well-fitting variance-based structural equation model, goodness-of-fit index = 0.338, average path coefficient = .119, …