G. Hackman
Coulomb excitation of the |Tz|=1/2, A=23 mirror pair
Background: Electric-quadrupole (E2) strengths relate to the underlying quadrupole deformation of a nucleus and present a challenge for many nuclear theories. Mirror nuclei in the vicinity of the line of N=Z represent a convenient laboratory for testing deficiencies in such models, making use of the isospin symmetry of the systems. Purpose: Uncertainties associated with literature E2 strengths in 23Mg are some of the largest in Tz=∣∣12∣∣ nuclei in the sd shell. The purpose of the present paper is to improve the precision with which these values are known, to enable better comparison with theoretical models. Methods: Coulomb-excitation measurements of 23Mg and 23Na were performed at the TRIU…
Isospin symmetry in B(E2) values: Coulomb excitation study of Mg21
The Tz=−32 nucleus 21Mg has been studied by Coulomb excitation on 196Pt and 110Pd targets. A 205.6(1)-keV γ-ray transition resulting from the Coulomb excitation of the 52+ ground state to the first excited 12+ state in 21Mg was observed for the first time. Coulomb excitation cross-section measurements with both targets and a measurement of the half-life of the 12+ state yield an adopted value of B(E2;52+→12+)=13.3(4) W.u. A new excited state at 1672(1) keV with tentative 92+ assignment was also identified in 21Mg. This work demonstrates a large difference in the B(E2;52+→12+) value between T=32, A=21 mirror nuclei. The difference is investigated in the shell-model framework employing both i…
Systematics of E2 strength in the sd shell with the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group
Background: Recent developments in {\it ab initio} nuclear theory demonstrate promising results in medium- to heavy-mass nuclei. A particular challenge for many of the many-body methodologies, however, is an accurate treatment of the electric-quadrupole, $E2$, strength associated with collectivity. Purpose: The valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group (VS-IMSRG) is a particularly powerful method for accessing medium- and high-mass nuclei but has been found to underpredict $E2$ strengths. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the isospin dependence of this underprediction. Methods: We perform a systematic comparison of valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization grou…
Isospin symmetry in $B(E2)$ values: Coulomb excitation study of ${}^{21}$Mg
The $T_z$~=~$-\frac{3}{2}$ nucleus ${}^{21}$Mg has been studied by Coulomb excitation on ${}^{196}$Pt and ${}^{110}$Pd targets. A 205.6(1)-keV $\gamma$-ray transition resulting from the Coulomb excitation of the $\frac{5}{2}^+$ ground state to the first excited $\frac{1}{2}^+$ state in ${}^{21}$Mg was observed for the first time. Coulomb excitation cross-section measurements with both targets and a measurement of the half-life of the $\frac{1}{2}^+$ state yield an adopted value of $B(E2;\frac{5}{2}^+\rightarrow\frac{1}{2}^+)$~=~13.3(4)~W.u. A new excited state at 1672(1)~keV with tentative $\frac{9}{2}^+$ assignment was also identified in ${}^{21}$Mg. This work demonstrates large difference…
First Evidence of Axial Shape Asymmetry and Configuration Coexistence in 74Zn : Suggestion for a Northern Extension of the N = 40 Island of Inversion
The excited states of N=44 74Zn were investigated via γ-ray spectroscopy following 74Cu β decay. By exploiting γ−γ angular correlation analysis, the 2+2, 3+1, 0+2, and 2+3 states in 74Zn were firmly established. The γ-ray branching and E2/M1 mixing ratios for transitions deexciting the 2+2, 3+1, and 2+3 states were measured, allowing for the extraction of relative B(E2) values. In particular, the 2+3→0+2 and 2+3→4+1 transitions were observed for the first time. The results show excellent agreement with new microscopic large-scale shell-model calculations, and are discussed in terms of underlying shapes, as well as the role of neutron excitations across the N=40 gap. Enhanced axial shape asy…
Coulomb excitation of the $\left|T_z\right|=\frac{1}{2}$, $A=23$ mirror pair
Background: Electric-quadrupole ($E2$) strengths relate to the underlying quadrupole deformation of a nucleus and present a challenge for many nuclear theories. Mirror nuclei in the vicinity of the line of $N=Z$ represent a convenient laboratory for testing deficiencies in such models, making use of the isospin-symmetry of the systems. Purpose: Uncertainties associated with literature $E2$ strengths in \textsuperscript{23}Mg are some of the largest in $T_z=\left|\frac{1}{2}\right|$ nuclei in the $sd$-shell. The purpose of the present work is to improve the precision with which these values are known, to enable better comparison with theoretical models. Methods: Coulomb-excitation measuremen…
Testing microscopically derived descriptions of nuclear collectivity: Coulomb excitation of Mg-22
Many-body nuclear theory utilizing microscopic or chiral potentials has developed to the point that collectivity might be dealt with in an {\it ab initio} framework without the use of effective charges; for example with the proper evolution of operators, or alternatively, through the use of an appropriate and manageable subset of particle-hole excitations. We present a precise determination of $E2$ strength in $^{22}$Mg and its mirror $^{22}$Ne by Coulomb excitation, allowing for rigorous comparisons with theory. No-core symplectic shell-model calculations were performed and agree with the new $B(E2)$ values while in-medium similarity-renormalization-group calculations consistently underpre…
High-resolution γ-ray spectroscopy: a versatile tool for nuclear β-decay studies at TRIUMF-ISAC
High-resolution γ-ray spectroscopy is essential to fully exploit the unique, high-quality beams available at the next generation of radioactive ion beam facilities such as the TRIUMF isotope separator and accelerator (ISAC). The 8π spectrometer, which consists of 20 Compton-suppressed HPGe detectors, has recently been reconfigured for a vigorous research programme in weak interaction and nuclear structure physics. With the addition of a variety of ancillary detectors it has become the world's most powerful device dedicated to β-decay studies. This paper provides a brief overview of the apparatus and highlights from recent experiments.
First Evidence of Axial Shape Asymmetry and Configuration Coexistence in $^{74}$Zn: Suggestion for a Northern Extension of the $N=40$ Island of Inversion
International audience; The excited states of $N=44$$^{74}$Zn were investigated via $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy following $^{74}$Cu $\beta$ decay. By exploiting $\gamma$-$\gamma$ angular correlation analysis, the $2_2^+$, $3_1^+$, $0_2^+$ and $2_3^+$ states in $^{74}$Zn were firmly established. The $\gamma$-ray branching and $E2/M1$ mixing ratios for transitions de-exciting the $2_2^+$, $3_1^+$ and $2_3^+$ states were measured, allowing for the extraction of relative $B(E2)$ values. In particular, the $2_3^+ \to 0_2^+$ and $2_3^+ \to 4_1^+$ transitions were observed for the first time. The results show excellent agreement with new microscopic large-scale shell-model calculations, and are disc…
Improved measurement of the 02+→01+ E0 transition strength for 72Se using the SPICE spectrometer
The selenium isotopes lie at the heart of a tumultuous region of the nuclear chart where shape coexistence effects grapple with neutron-proton pairing correlations, triaxiality, and the impending proton drip line. In this work, a study of 72Se by internal conversion electron and γ-ray spectroscopy was undertaken with the SPICE and TIGRESS arrays. New measurements of the branching ratio and lifetime of the 02+ state were performed, yielding a determination of ρ2(E0;02+→01+)=29(3) milliunits. Two-state mixing calculations were performed that highlighted the importance of interpretation of such E0 strength values in the context of shape coexistence. peerReviewed
Testing microscopically derived descriptions of nuclear collectivity: Coulomb excitation of Mg
Many-body nuclear theory utilizing microscopic or chiral potentials has developed to the point that collectivity might be studied within a microscopic or ab initio framework without the use of effective charges; for example with the proper evolution of the E2 operator, or alternatively, through the use of an appropriate and manageable subset of particle–hole excitations. We present a precise determination of E2 strength in 22Mg and its mirror 22Ne by Coulomb excitation, allowing for rigorous comparisons with theory. No-core symplectic shell-model calculations were performed and agree with the new B(E2) values while in-medium similarity-renormalization-group calculations consistently underpr…