R. Malizia
Improving survival with deferiprone treatment in patients with thalassemia major: A prospective multicenter randomised clinical trial under the auspices of the Italian Society for Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies
The prognosis for thalassemia major has dramatically improved in the last two decades. However, many transfusion-dependent patients continue to develop progressive accumulation of iron. This can lead to tissue damage and eventually death, particularly from cardiac disease. Previous studies that investigated iron chelation treatments, including retrospective and prospective non-randomised clinical trials, suggested that mortality, due mainly to cardiac damage, was reduced or completely absent in patients treated with deferiprone (DFP) alone or a combined deferiprone-deferoxamine (DFP-DFO) chelation treatment. However, no survival analysis has been reported for a long-term randomised control …
Quantitative evaluation of oxidative stress status on peripheral blood in beta-thalassaemic patients by means of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
Summary High oxidative stress status (OSS) is known to be one of the most important factors determining cell injury and consequent organ damage in thalassaemic patients with secondary iron overload. Using an innovative hydroxylamine ‘radical probe’ capable of efficiently trapping majority of oxygen-radicals including superoxide we measured, by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, OSS in peripheral blood of 38 thalassaemic patients compared with sex-/age-matched healthy controls. Thalassaemic patients showed sixfold higher EPR values of OSS than controls. Significantly higher EPR values of OSS were observed in those with a severe phenotype (thalassaemia major, transfusion-depe…
Evaluation of the efficacy of oral deferiprone in beta-thalassemia major by multislice multiecho T2*.
Objectives: Oral deferiprone (L1) appears to be promising in the treatment of beta-thalassemia major (TM) patients. T2* magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a single measurement in the mid-ventricular septum was validated as a quantitative evaluation of myocardial iron overload. Previous studies suggested a marked heterogeneity of iron distribution in the myocardium. We set up a multislice multiecho T2* MRI for the detection of this heterogeneity. The aim of our study was to investigate differences between the L1 vs. the subcutaneous desferrioxamine (DF)-treated patients using this new approach.Methods: Thirty-six beta-TM patients (age 29 +/- 8 yr) underwent MRI. Eighteen patients received…
Hypogonadism and Hormone Replacement Therapy on Bone Mass of Adult Women with Thalassemia Major
We studied bone mass and metabolism in 30 adult women (age 28.5 +/- 1.3) with thalassemia major (TM) and evaluated whether prolonged hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was able to optimize bone accrual. TM patients had reduced bone mass, increased bone turnover and lower serum gonadotropin and estradiol levels compared with 10 normal women of similar age. A significant correlation was found between bone mass and sex hormone levels. Six TM patients with normal ovarian function had normal bone turnover markers and modestly low bone mass (lumbar spine -1.29 +/- 0.31; femoral neck -0.60+/-0.21; Z-score). The other 24 TM women were hypogonadic and had significantly lower bone mass for age (lumbar…
Long-term sequential deferiprone-deferoxamine versus deferiprone alone for thalassemia major patients: a randomised clinical trial
A multicentre randomized open-label trial was designed to assess the effectiveness of long-term sequential deferiprone–deferoxamine (DFO–DFP) versus DFP alone to treat thalassaemia major (TM). DFP at 75 mg/kg, divided into three oral daily doses, for 4 d/week and DFO by subcutaneous infusion (8–12 h) at 50 mg/kg per day for the remaining 3 d/week was compared with DFP alone at 75 mg/kg, administered 7 d/week during a 5-year follow-up. The main outcome measures were differences between multiple observations of serum ferritin concentrations. Secondary outcomes were survival analysis, adverse events, and costs. Consecutive thalassaemia patients (275) were assessed for eligibility; 213 of these…
Serum and fecal pancreatic enzymes in beta-thalassemia major
This study, using indirect tests, demonstrated that exocrine pancreatic function is impaired in a proportion of patients with beta-thalassemia major (TM), though this impairment is generally mild or moderate.Impaired structure and function of the exocrine pancreas has been reported in patients with Beta-thalassemia major.In this study we measured fecal fats and serum and fecal pancreatic enzymes in 30 patients (13 M, 17 F) with TM, mean age 22.1 yr (range 14-39) and compared them with those of a matched group of healthy controls. Results were correlated with age, serum ferritin, blood transfusion, and various nutritional parameters. Enzymes assays included: serum pancreatic amylase (PA), li…
Sequential alternating deferiprone and deferoxamine treatment compared to deferiprone monotherapy: main findings and clinical follow-up of a large multicenter randomized clinical trial in -thalassemia major patients.
In β-thalassemia major (β-TM) patients, iron chelation therapy is mandatory to reduce iron overload secondary to transfusions. Recommended first line treatment is deferoxamine (DFO) from the age of 2 and second line treatment after the age of 6 is deferiprone (L1). A multicenter randomized open-label trial was designed to assess the effectiveness of long-term alternating sequential L1-DFO versus L1 alone iron chelation therapy in β-TM patients. Deferiprone 75 mg/kg 4 days/week and DFO 50 mg/kg/day for 3 days/week was compared with L1 alone 75 mg/kg 7 days/week during 5-year follow-up. A total of 213 thalassemia patients were randomized and underwent intention-to-treat analysis. Statisticall…
MR imaging of pancreatic changes in patients with transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia major.
The aim of this study was to evaluate MR imaging changes of the pancreas in patients with transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia major.Twenty patients with transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia major were examined using MR imaging at 0.5 T, with spin-echo T1-weighted, fast spin-echo T2-weighted, and gradient-echo T2*-weighted sequences. Image analysis was performed to assess pancreas-to-fat signal intensity ratios for all pulse sequences. Pancreatic exocrine and endocrine function and serum ferritin levels were assessed. Twenty healthy volunteers underwent MR imaging with the same three sequences and served as a control group.The pancreas-to-fat signal intensity ratio was significantly dec…
MR imaging of pancreatic changes in patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia major
OBJECTIVE. The aim of this study was to evaluate MR imaging changes of the pancreas in patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia major. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Twenty patients with transfusion-dependent β- thalassemia major were examined using MR imaging at 0.5 T, with spin-echo T1- weighted, fast spin-echo T2-weighted, and gradient-echo T2*-weighted sequences. Image analysis was performed to assess pancreas-to-fat signal intensity ratios for all pulse sequences. Pancreatic exocrine and endocrine function and serum ferritin levels were assessed. Twenty healthy volunteers underwent MR imaging with the same three sequences and served as a control group. RESULTS. The pancreas-to-fat sign…
Deferiprone versus deferoxamine in patients with thalassemia major: a randomized clinical trial.
Deferiprone has been suggested as an effective oral chelation therapy for thalassemia major. To assess its clinical efficacy, we compared deferiprone with deferoxamine in a large multicenter randomized clinical trial. One-hundred forty-four consecutive patients with thalassemia major and serum ferritin between 1500 and 3000 ng/ml were randomly assigned to deferiprone (75 mg/kg/day) (n = 71) or deferoxamine (50 mg/kg/day) (n = 73) for 1 year. The main measure of efficacy was the reduction of serum ferritin. Liver and heart iron contents were assessed by magnetic resonance. Liver iron content and fibrosis stage variations were assessed on liver biopsy by the Ishak score in all patients willin…