Manuel Bravo Pérez
Rotura cuadricipital en edad pediátrica
La rotura del tendón del cuádriceps es una patología característica de la edad adulta, siendo excepcional en la infancia. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 9 años con una gonalgia izquierda de 2 meses de evolución sin claro antecedente traumático. Se realiza Resonancia Magnética, que establece el diagnóstico de rotura parcial del tendón del cuádriceps. Se decide reanclaje del mismo en el polo superior de la rótula, seguido de rehabilitación. Después del tratamiento quirúrgico realizado el paciente recupera el balance articular y muscular. La rotura del tendón del cuádriceps es excepcional en la edad pediátrica. La realización de una buena exploración, tanto clínica como radiológica es funda…
Levels of scientific evidence of the quality of life in patients treated for oral cancer
Treatments used in cancer of the oral cavity have great impact on the physical, psychological and functional state of patients. There has been increasingly interest in evaluating the health-related quality of life using questionnaires among patients treated FOR oral cancer. Up to our knowledge no review on this theme has incorporated the level of evidence of the single identified studies. The objective of the present study is to determinate results and conclusions about the health-related quality of life of these patients, in view of scientific evidence. In general, the diversity of designs, level of evidence and questionnaires used for their assessment does not affect results, which indica…
Clinical and sociodemographic predictors of oral pain and eating problems among adult and senior Spaniards in the national survey performed in 2010
Background: Pain and chewing difficulties have been identified as the strongest predictors of oral disadvantage. The aim of this study is to analyze and quantify the sociodemographic, behavioural and clinical factors modulating the oral pain and eating difficulties reported by Spanish adults and elderly Spanish people in the last National Oral Health Survey performed in 2010. Material and Methods: Data concerning pain and chewing difficulties were acquired on a Likert‑scale format from a representative sample of the Spanish general population with ages between 35-44 years (n=391) and 65 - 74 years (n=405). Risk factors were identified using bivariate analysis, after which the crude associat…
Effectiveness of 1% versus 0.2% chlorhexidine gels in reducing alveolar osteitis from mandibular third molar surgery: a randomiz, double-blind clinical trial
Purpose: Alveolar osteitis (AO) is the most common postoperative complication of dental extractions. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of 1% versus 0.2% chlorhexidine (CHX) gel in reducing postoperative AO after surgical extraction of mandibular third molars, and assess the impact of treatment on the Oral HealthRelated Quality of Life (OHRQoL). Material and Methods: This clinical study was a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Eighty eight patients underwent surgical extraction of one retained mandibular third molar with the intra-alveolar application of 0.2% CHX gel. Afterwards, they were assigned to one of two groups: 1% CHX gel (n=42) or 0.2% CHX gel (n=46).…
Sarcoma fibroblástico mixoinflamatorio en el pie: presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura
El Sarcoma Fibroblástico Mixoinflamatorio (SFMI) es un sarcoma de escasa frecuencia, que aparece habitualmente en adultos durante la cuarta y quinta década de la vida como una masa de partes blandas, subcutánea, indolora, de preferencia localizada en partes acras, aunque también puede presentarse en otras localizaciones. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 35 años con una tumoración a nivel del primer espacio dorsal del pie derecho, indolora, de 4 meses de evolución sin antecedente traumático. Se realizó una exéresis quirúrgica de la lesión. El estudio de la anatomía patológica estableció el diagnóstico de Sarcoma Fibroblástico Mixoinflamatorio. Esta lesión es una tumoración rara, por lo qu…