O Lupo

Effetti dell’uso di cannabis e sintomi psicopatologici in un campione di primi episodi psicotici

Introduction: Cannabis is one of the most common substances used by patients with a first episode of psychosis. The aim of the study was to investigate the most frequent effects of cannabis use, their relationship with psychotic symptoms and characteristics of the consumption. Methods: 116 first episode psychosis were recruited, 50% of which (n=58) used cannabis lifetime. We investigated the characteristics of the consumption and the effects of cannabis using the Cannabis Experience Questionnaire-mv (CEQmv) and the psychotic symptoms using the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS). Results: The effects more often experienced by cannabis users were slowed down thinking and feeling to …

research product

Cognitive thought diary in supportive psychology for people undergoing radiotherapy: a feasibility study

BAC KGROUND: Radiation therapy (RT ) has become one of the most widely-used and efficient treatments for cancer; nevertheless, people who undergo radiotherapy suffer the physical and psychological consequences of this stressful treatment, in addition to the psychosocial distress related to cancer. However, a Radiotherapy Unit is often a place where several patients crowd in from various hospitals with restricted timetables and, for logistic reasons, it is not easy to provide regular psychological sessions for each one. It is important to find a setting that allows us the involvement of the largest number of patients referred to the unit. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the feasibility a…

research product

Ansia, Depressione e Qualità della Vita nei pazienti oncologici in trattamento radioterapico

Introduzione: La gestione del paziente oncologico in corso di trattamento radioterapico non può prescindere da un’attenta valutazione delle variabili soggettive legate all’emotività e al vissuto interno del paziente, essendo tali aspetti implicati nella compliance al trattamento (Neilson et al., 2010). Questo lavoro si pone un duplice obiettivo: indagare la presenza di ansia, depressione e qualità della vita in un gruppo di pazienti oncologici non omogeneo per patologia, stadio della malattia e trattamento; valutare in che termini l’introduzione di un intervento psicologico possa avere delle ricadute sul benessere psico-fisico dei pazienti. Metodologia: Il campione è costituito da 50 pazien…

research product