J. Sjef Verbeek
Impact of a Three Amino Acid Deletion in the CH2 Domain of Murine IgG1 on Fc-Associated Effector Functions
Abstract Four murine IgG subclasses display markedly different Fc-associated effector functions because of their differential binding to three activating IgG Fc receptors (FcγRI, FcγRIII, and FcγRIV) and C1q. Previous analysis of IgG subclass switch variants of 34-3C anti-RBC monoclonal autoantibodies revealed that the IgG1 subclass, which binds only to FcγRIII and fails to activate complement, displayed the poorest pathogenic potential. This could be related to the presence of a three amino acid deletion at positions 233–235 in the CH2 domain uniquely found in this subclass. To address this question, IgG1 insertion and IgG2b deletion mutants at positions 233–235 of 34-3C anti-RBC Abs were …
Circulating specific antibodies enhance systemic cross-priming by delivery of complexed antigen to dendritic cells in vivo
Increasing evidence suggests that antibodies can have stimulatory effects on T-cell immunity. However, the contribution of circulating antigen-specific antibodies on MHC class I cross-priming in vivo has not been conclusively established. Here, we defined the role of circulating antibodies in cross-presentation of antigen to CD8(+) T cells. Mice with hapten-specific circulating antibodies, but naϊve for the T-cell antigen, were infused with haptenated antigen and CD8(+) T-cell induction was measured. Mice with circulating hapten-specific antibodies showed significantly enhanced cross-presentation of the injected antigen compared with mice that lacked these antibodies. The enhanced cross-pre…