Expression of P, S, and F1C adhesins by cytotoxic necrotizing factor1-producing Escherichia coli from septicemic and diarrheic pigs
Nineteen papC-positive cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (CNF1)-producing Escherichia coli isolates from pigs with septicemia or diarrhea were tested for the presence of pap-, sfa-, and afa-related sequences encoding P/Prs, S/F1C, and Dr/AFA adhesins respectively. Production of adhesins by isolates was tested by mannose-resistant hemagglutination (MRHA), sialidase treatment of erythrocytes and particle agglutination tests. Production of P, S, and F1C fimbriae by isolates was also examined by immunofluorescence. All isolates were pap+ by PCR. Eighteen isolates (95%) were MRHA for ovine and human A erythrocytes and exhibited GalNac-GalNac receptor specificity associated with class III P(Prs) adh…