Esko Salo
Review of carbon emissions offsetting guidelines using instructional criteria
Abstract Purpose Carbon offsetting is one of the tools that companies can use to achieve their climate targets. The ability of a company to offset its emissions successfully depends on the availability and quality of guidance on the subject. This study explores how well existing offsetting guidelines equip corporations to achieve successful emissions offsetting. Methods Instructional criteria were developed and used to evaluate seven guidelines. The contents of each guideline were assessed based on how they instruct a company to achieve emissions offsetting that fulfills five criteria for appropriate offsetting: target affiliation, Paris compatibility, effectiveness, prioritizing removals, …
Co-Designing Urban Carbon Sink Parks: Case Carbon Lane in Helsinki
In order to achieve the goals of carbon (C) neutrality within next 20 year, municipalities worldwide need to increasingly apply negative emission technologies. We focus on the main principles of urban demonstration areas using biochars for C sequestration and explore the lessons learned from a co-creation process of one such park, Hyväntoivonpuisto in Helsinki, Finland. Demonstration sites of urban C sinks in public parks must be safe, visible and scientifically sound for reliable and cost-effective verification of carbon sequestration. We find that different interests can be arbitrated and that synergy that emerges from co-creation of urban C sink parks between stakeholders (scientists, ci…
Current state and future perspectives of biochar applications in Finland
Kiinnostus biohiiltä kohtaan lisääntyy jatkuvasti, sillä biohiili tarjoaa taloudellisia ja ympäristön kannalta kestäviä ratkaisuja. Biohiiltä on tutkittu Suomessa noin kymmenen vuotta, mutta vasta viime aikoina sen taloudellinen kannattavuus on tunnistettu. Aikaisemmat biohiileen liittyvät tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet lähinnä pyrolyysiprosessiin, biohiilen ominaisuuksiin sekä biohiilen potentiaalisten käyttökohteiden tutkimiseen. Biohiilen markkinatilannetta ei ole vielä Suomessa tutkittu, lukuun ottamatta biohiilen käyttöä energiantuotannossa (biohiilen poltto), mikä on kuitenkin rajattu tästä tutkimuksesta. Tämän työn tarkoitus on tutkia biohiilen käytön nykyistä tilannetta ja sen tuleva…