Elina Tampio

Measurement methodology for greenhouse gas emissions from storage of forest chips–A review

Abstract Research on greenhouse gas emission related to solid biofuels has focused mainly on the emissions from end use and the production chain. GHG emissions from the storage of forest chips have not received much attention in recent literature. In order for EU emission reduction targets to be fully understood, emissions from solid biofuel storage needs to be better described. Usually emissions from chip piles have been modelled using studies from organic waste composting but these two materials can differ appreciably; for example the C/N-ratio and moisture content. Herein, previous studies on greenhouse gas emissions from forest chips piles during storage are reviewed. The objective is t…

research product

Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and methane from food waste and cow slurry: Comparison of biogas and VFA fermentation processes

research product

Ilmanlaadun seurannan kehittämistarpeet : esimerkkitapaus Pirkanmaa

Tässä tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin ilmanlaadun tilaa Pirkanmaalla 2000-luvulla, selvitettiin sen seurannan tarvetta ja esitettiin erilaisia kehitysehdotuksia ilmanlaadun parantamiseksi alueella. Päästötietoja tutkittiin niin liikenteen, energiantuotannon ja teollisuuden kuin maataloudenkin osalta. Liikenteen päästötiedot saatiin VTT:n LIPASTO-järjestelmästä, energiantuotannon ja teollisuuden tiedot ympäristöhallinnon VAHTI-järjestelmästä ja maa-talouden päästötiedot taas ympäristöhallinnon Hertta-järjestelmästä. Ilmanlaadun seuran-nan tarvetta ja kuntien merkittävimpiä päästölähteitä kartoitettiin Pirkanmaan kuntiin lähe-tetyn kyselyn avulla. Liikenteen päästöjen havaittiin laskeneen huolima…

research product

From wood pellets to wood chips, risks of degradation and emissions from the storage of woody biomass – A short review

Abstract The compounds in stored woody biomass degrade as a result of chemical and/or biological processes during storage. These processes produce gaseous emissions. Recent studies concerning gaseous emissions from wood pellet storages are reviewed herein. The applicability of the results from pellet research to wood chips is discussed. Thorough scientific understanding on the storage phenomena of wood chips is extremely important as the threat of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have led to an increased need to large scale wood chip storage to ensure supply. Typically the gases produced from stored woody biomasses are carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO 2…

research product