Katja Kurri

Aikuisten turvapaikanhakija- ja pakolaisasiakkaiden terapeuttisissa keskusteluissa kuvaamat hyödylliset muutokset

Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sitä, kuinka kuusi aikuista turvapaikanhakija- ja pakolaisasiakasta kuvaavat kokemiaan hyödyllisiä muutoksia luonnollisissa terapeuttisissa keskusteluissa. Asiakkaiden keskustelukäynnit kriisikeskuksen työntekijöiden luona videotallennettiin. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat asiakkaiden esittämät ja tulkkien suomeksi välittämät ilmaukset. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin aineistolähtöistä laadullista sisällönanalyysia. Analyysissä syntyi neljä hyödyllisen muutoksen kategoriaa. Hyödyllisen muutoksen kategorioita ovat helpottuneempi olotila, uusien ongelmiin ja elämään liittyvien hallintakeinojen omaksuminen, itseymmärryksen ja voimaantumisen tunteen lisääntyminen ja rake…

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Alliance Formations in Couple Therapy: A Multimodal and Multimethod Study

AbstractThe authors sought to study underlying processes of alliance formation, a multimethod and multimodal research procedure was developed and applied to a 6-minute episode from one couple thera...

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Constructions of Nonagency in the Clients’ Initial Problem Formulations at the Outset of Psychotherapy

This multiple case study investigated how clients construct nonagentic positions when formulating their problems in the beginning of their first psychotherapy session. The initial problem formulations of nine clients entering psychotherapy were analyzed with a detailed model drawing on discursive methodology, the 10 Discursive Tools model (10DT). We found ten problem formulation categories, each one distinguished by the tool from the 10DT model primarily used to construct nonagency. All clients gave several problem formulations from different categories and constructed nonagentic positions with a variety of discursive tools. When the resulting problem formulation categories were read in com…

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Dialogical Management of Morality in Domestic Violence Counselling

Moral issues have rarely been an explicit topic when family violence has been discussed in psychological literature. This article contributes to this topic through a detailed analysis of the transcripts of a counselling session on domestic violence, with special emphasis placed on how complex issues of morality are dialogically managed by the participants. It is shown that the morality of counselling is not explicit, but is constructed by various cautious and indirect conversational devices. In the analysed conversation it was possible for the counsellor to ‘prescribe’ a normative morality only if this was done indirectly and discreetly. The function of these various delicate discursive te…

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Placement of responsibility and moral reasoning in couple therapy

Within the past two decades there has been a growing awareness of the importance of moral and ethical judgements in family and couple therapy. In this article we provide a detailed analysis of placements of responsibility related to blame in one couple therapy session. We suggest that it is important to study therapeutic interaction in situ, when searching for an understanding of moral reasoning in couple therapy and an ethical evaluation of the practice. A detailed analysis of discursive tools used by clients and therapists makes it possible to look at moral reasoning in action as it unfolds within the flow of therapeutic conversation. The findings are discussed in relation to two discours…

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Aikuisten turvapaikanhakijoiden ja pakolaisten mielenterveyden ja psyykkisten ongelmien erityispiirteet

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Constructing Nonagency at the Beginning of Psychotherapy : The 10DT model

This study examined how nine clients discursively constructed non-agency in their first session of individual psychotherapy. With open reading and linguistic analysis of the transcribed first sessions, combined with theory-based considerations, we created a model of discursive means for ascribing agentic and non-agentic positions, the 10 Discursive Tools model (10DT). There was large variability in how the tools functioned to create the impression of problematic agency, and the clients could not be classified according to their tool use patterns. The study shows the potential of the 10DT model for the detailed examination of presentations of “not-being-able” produced by psychotherapy client…

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The invisible moral order : agency, accountability and responsibility in therapy talk

Katja Kurri tutki väitöskirjassaan terapiatapahtumaa eli asiakkaan ja terapeutin vuorovaikutustilannetta. Kurri tuo tutkimuksessaan esiin uuden näkökulman asiakkaan elämänvastuun uudelleen rakentumiseen ja pohtii myös terapiatilanteeseen liittyvää moraalista ulottuvuutta.Kurrin mukaan terapiaa pitäisi tarkastella nykyistä enemmän tilanteisena toimintana. Terapiatapahtumaa on hyödyllistä tutkia sellaisenaan, eikä ainoastaan jälkikäteen tehtyjen kyselytutkimusten tai erilaisten mittarien avulla. Kun terapiaa tutkitaan keskusteluna, voidaan nähdä, kuinka tähän asti piilossa olleet terapian moraaliset dilemmat rakentuvat ja kuinka niitä voidaan ratkaista. This study examines psychotherapy conve…

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Discordances in Ascriptions of Agency and Reflectivity in the First Psychotherapy Session

We analyzed the first sessions of nine long-term individual psychotherapies with a model of ten discursive tools of agency ascription and studied discursive discordances, sequences of two talk turns in which the therapeutic dyad was misaligned in terms of how they ascribed agency to the client. We also studied how the clients’ agency self-ascriptions in the turn immediately following the discordances changed from the first turn. Classifying these discordance sequences, eight different types of sequences were found. One, in which the clients’ reflective agency constructions were missed by the therapists, was subjected to a detailed analysis. peerReviewed

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Lesbovanhemmuuden diskursiivinen rakentuminen psykologien ryhmäkeskustelussa

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