Claudia Di Miceli
Students actitudes about consuption and organic peachs quality, at university of Palermo
Confronto qualitativo fra pesche biologiche ed integrate: l'opinione dei consumatori
Instrumental and sensory analysis of eating quality of peaches and nectarines
The influence of flesh firmness on consumer acceptance and its relationship with total soluble solids concentration (TSSC), titratable acidity (TTA) and sensory analysis was studied to understand their interaction in determining acceptance judgments, for different organoleptic typologies of peaches and nectarines. The investigation was carried out during summer 2006 on fruit of ‘September Sun’ and ‘Sweet September’ (low acid) peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch), and ‘Maria Dolce’ (low acid) and ‘Venus’ nectarines (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, var. nucipersica). Sensory descriptors for peaches and nectarines were Flesh firmness, Sweetness, Sourness, Aroma, and Acceptability. The panel was able…
Monitoring of wheat lactic acid bacteria from the field until the first step of dough fermentation.
The present work was carried out to retrieve the origin of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in sourdough. To this purpose, wheat LAB were monitored from ear harvest until the first step of fermentation for sourdough development. The influence of the geographical area and variety on LAB species/strain composition was also determined. The ears of four Triticum durum varieties (Duilio, Iride, Saragolla and Simeto) were collected from several fields located within the Palermo province (Sicily, Italy) and microbiologically investigated. In order to trace the transfer of LAB during the consecutive steps of manipulation, ears were transformed aseptically and, after threshing, milling and fermentation, s…
Indagini sull'attitudine alla conservazione di frutti del germoplasma di pesco siciliano: prime osservazioni su montagnole, percoche, sbergie e tabacchiere.
Relationship between tree water status and physiology, yield, and fruit quality in the table olive (Olea europaea sativa L.) cultivar ‘Nocellara del Belice’
Although the olive (Olea europaea sativa l.) is considered a xerophytic species, long periods of water stress and high temperatures during summer months can greatly affect plant physiology and productivity. In recent years, the use of plant-based water status indicators have become popular in the study of plant-water relationships and in the design of irrigation programs, particularly midday stem water potential (ψstem). The current trend in the irrigation of olive trees is in the development of Deficit Irrigation (DI) systems whereby the water is applied at a rate which is lower than evapotranspiration needs, resulting in only very small reductions in yield. Rather than working towards min…
Effects of irrigation treatments on the quality of table olives produced with the Greek-style process
The irrigation of olive orchards is commonly applied to produce table olives with optimal size. No data have been published on the microbiological quality of drupes from irrigated olive groves during fermentation. The trials T100 and T50 (receiving a water amount equivalent to 100 % and 50 % of the required amount, respectively) and control T0 (rainfed trial) were monitored during two consecutive years. The results showed a significant increase of equatorial diameter and flesh:pit ratio of irrigated drupes. The decrease of pH and the numbers of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) registered for the irrigated trials during the fermentation were more consistent than those displayed by control T0. Lact…
Evoluzione tecnica dei sistemi d'impianto nella peschicoltura degli ambienti a clima tipicamente mediterraneo
In peach industry, due to the increasing cost of the land, energy and salaries, in the last thirty years have been developed horticultural strategies to increase the productivity of the orchards and to reduce the employment of hand workers. In areas in which large part of the days are brilliant, clean sky, with high levels of light intensity, and relative humidity is low, as those with a Mediterranean climate, to reach the above mentioned goal have been developed planting systems based on high tree densities and new tree shapes. In Southern Italy, technicians have been particularly active in performing new tree canopy architectures and growers showed to be very sensitive to these innovation…
Evoluzione tecnica dei modelli di impianto nella peschicoltura degli ambienti mediterranei
Una costante attenzione verso l’ottimizzazione dei fattori della produzione ha determinato una rapida adozione delle innovazioni proposte dalla ricerca nel campo dei sistemi d’impianto, per la grande importanza che essi rivestono nella qualità delle produzioni e nella redditività della coltura. Riduzione dei costi di produzione e massima efficienza della manodopera gli obiettivi prioritari, talora ottenuti attraverso l''“estensivizzazione” colturale, con bassi costi d’investimento. Un confronto fra l’Italia meridionale, California e Cile.