C Di Vaio
Root hydraulic conductivity and oepip2.1 aquaporin as possible physiological and molecular markers of vegetative growth potential in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Growth, Phenology, Production and Oil quality of the Cultivar Arbequina in high-density hedgerow in four different areas of Italy
The success of the traditional olive-growing sector in EU countries – characterised by high production costs and a low selling price for the oil – was mainly determined by EU subsidies available for the sector. With the opening of the "free trade" area and a cut in subsidies in 2014, crucial changes in the sector are now needed. In order to increase the competitiveness of EU olive production, attention should be given to new high-yielding, mechanized cultivation systems. In the 90s, Spain introduced new high-density planting systems (1,200-2,000 plants/ha) using three low-vigour and early-fruiting cultivars (‘Arbequina’, ‘Arbosana’ and ‘Koroneiki’). Italian olive production lies in a geogra…
La talea
Evoluzione tecnica dei sistemi d'impianto nella peschicoltura degli ambienti a clima tipicamente mediterraneo
In peach industry, due to the increasing cost of the land, energy and salaries, in the last thirty years have been developed horticultural strategies to increase the productivity of the orchards and to reduce the employment of hand workers. In areas in which large part of the days are brilliant, clean sky, with high levels of light intensity, and relative humidity is low, as those with a Mediterranean climate, to reach the above mentioned goal have been developed planting systems based on high tree densities and new tree shapes. In Southern Italy, technicians have been particularly active in performing new tree canopy architectures and growers showed to be very sensitive to these innovation…