Laure Nuninger

CArGOS Un CAtalogue de données GéOgraphiques pour les Sciences humaines et Sociales

National audience

research product

From Archaeomedes to Archaedyn

International audience

research product

Confidence maps: a tool to evaluate archaeological data's relevance in spatial analysis

L'article est disponible en ligne sur Virtual Library Propylaeum : http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeumdok/volltexte/2010/551/pdf/08_05_ostir_et_al_confidence.pdf; International audience

research product

ModeLTER : modelling of landscapes and territories over the long term, the members of an European Associated Laboratory (EAL) in CAENTI.

International audience; The aim of this new project is the modelisation of landscapes and territories over the long term. This has been a topic that engaged the proposed research team for several years, particularly in the frame of two European projects, Archeomedes I & II, during the 1990s (Van der Leeuw S., Favory F., Fiches J.- L. (eds.) 2003, Favory F., Girardot J.-J., van der Leeuw S. 2004). Both French and Slovenian teams were involved in the project by Professors S. Van der Leeuw and Z. Stančič. Since this period, the collaboration of French and Slovenian researchers increased in activity, and it finds now a new organization in an European Associated Laboratory, linking archaeologist…

research product

Configurations spatiales et hiérarchiques du peuplement antique : des indicateurs quantitatifs pour une confrontation interrégionale.

The increase or decrease of the number of settlements is frequently used to assess the interactions between ancient societies and their environment. Beside this quantitative indicator, the pattern and the spatial extent of a settlement are crucial to estimate the " human pressure " on the environment. Within the ArchaeDyn program, several quantitative indicators have been developed to characterise the spatial and hierarchical structure of a settlements' scatter. The application of these indicators in four regions of Southern and Central Gaul shows the evolution of the spatial and hierarchical configurations of the settlement through phases of increasing and reducing rates of occupation.

research product