M. Bruno

An unusual pregnane derivative and dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans from Centaurea sclerolepis

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Volatile Components from Aerial parts of Centaurea diffusa and C. micrantha ssp. melanosticta and their biocidal activity on microorganisms affecting historical art crafts

The chemical composition of the essential oils from aerial parts of two taxa of Centaurea belonging to subgenus Acrolophus, Centaurea diffusa Lam. and C. micrantha Hoff. ssp. melanosticta (Lange) Dostàl, respectively collected in Croatia and Spain, were evaluated by GC and GC-MS. The main components of C. diffusa were hexadecanoic acid (31.1%), (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid (10.7%) and damascenone isomers (6.4%), whereas hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (27.8%), hexadecanoic acid (8.3%) and caryophyllene oxide (6.4%) were the most abundant components of C. micrantha ssp. melanosticta. The oils showed good antibacterial and antifungal activities against some microorganisms that infest historical …

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Essential oils of Chiliadenus lopadusanus (Asteraceae).

The essential oils from the leaves and flowers of Chiliadenus lopadusanus growing on Lampedusa Island were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. The major component was camphor (39.4% in the leaves and 24.0% in the flowers), followed in the leaves by torreyol (6.7%), t-cadinol (5.2%) and 1,8-cineole (3.8%), while in the flowers by t-cadinol (15.2%), t-muurolol (5.1%) and torreyol (4.5%). Among the compounds identified, several seem to play a role in antibacterial, antifungal, allelopathic and spasmolytic activity. In addition, several compounds identified in this study seem to influence the attraction of Megachile (Eutricharaea) apicalis (Megachilidae) and Halictus (Seladonia…

research product

“Oxaliplatin plus high dose folinic acid and 5-fluoruracil i.v. bolus (OXAFAFU) versus irinotecan plus high dose folinic acid and 5-fluoruracil i.v. bolus (IRIFAFU) in patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma: Southern Italy Cooperative Oncology Group trial 0103”

PURPOSE: The primary end point of this phase III trial was to compare the response rate (RR) of oxaliplatin (OXA) plus levo-folinic acid (l-FA) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) bolus with that of irinotecan (IRI) plus l-FA and 5-FU bolus in advanced colorectal carcinoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with measurable metastatic colorectal carcinoma were randomly allocated to receive: IRI 200 mg/m(2) on day 1, l-FA 250 mg/m(2) intravenously plus 5-FU 850 mg/m(2) on day 2 (IRIFAFU); or OXA 100 mg/m(2) on day 1, l-FA 250 mg/m(2) plus 5-FU 1050 mg/m(2) on day 2 [OXAFAFU high dose (hd)]. Cycles were given every 2 weeks. After a planned interim analysis, OXA was reduced to 85 mg/m(2) and 5-FU to 850 mg/…

research product

Components from the Essential oil of Centaurea aeolica Guss. and C-diluta Aiton from Sicily, Italy

Volatile components from florets, leaves and stems and branches of Centaurea aeolica Guss. harvested in Lipari, Sicily, Italy, were analysed by gas phase chomatography (GC) and gas chomatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The main constituents were β-eudesmol, caryophyllene oxide, ( E )-12-norcaryophyll-5-en-2-one and hexahydrofarnesylacetone in flowers, hexahydrofarnesylacetone, 2-methyloctadecane and tricosane in the leaves and hexadecanoic acid , caryophyllene oxide and β-eudesmol in the stems and branches . The analysis of the essential oil of the aerial parts of Centaurea diluta Aiton gave mainly fatty acids and derivatives, the main ones being hexadecanoic acid and (Z,Z)-9,12-octadeca…

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Ultrafiltration of water buffalo whey: performance and modelling of a tubular ceramic module

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New diterpenes from Marrubium globosum Montbr. et Auch. ex Benth. ssp. libanoticum Boiss. (Lamiaceae)

research product

Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Teucrium flavum ssp. flavum from Zakynthos, Greece

Essential oil extracted from dried aerial parts of Teucrium flavum ssp. flavum harvested in Zakynthos, Greece, was analysed by gas phase chomatography (GC) and gas chomatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The main constituents were caryophyllene (13.5%), caryophyllene oxide (8.5%), 4-vinyl guaiacol (6.0%) and α- humulene (5.0%).

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Volatile components of Periploca angustifolia

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The diterpenoids of the genus Marrubium (Lamiaceae)

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Volatile components of Centaurea eryngioides Lam. and Centaurea iberica Trev. var. hermonis Boiss. Lam., two Asteraceae growing wild in Lebanon.

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Essential oil composition of Tanacetum vulgare subsp. siculum (Guss.) Raimondo et Spadaro (Asteraceae) from Sicily

Ninety-four components of the essential oils from aerial parts and capitula of Tanacetum vulgare subsp. siculum (Guss.) Raimondo et Spadaro were detected. alpha-Thujone, beta-thujone and 1,8-cineole were the main constituents of the oils. The analysis allows the assignment of this Tanacetum species to the thujone chemotype.

research product

Volatile components from aerial parts of Centaurea gracilenta and C. ovina ssp. besserana growing wild in Bulgaria

The essential oils of Centaurea gracilenta Velen. (CG) and C. ovina Pall. ex Willd. ssp. besserana (DC.) Dostál (COB) growing wild in Bulgaria, were studied by GC and GC-MS. Forty-five compounds for CG, representing the 90.1% of the oil, and 68 compounds for COB, representing the 91.9% of the oil, were identified. The oils were rich in sesquiterpenoids (33.4% for CG and 27.3% for COB), hydrocarbons (28.3% for CG and 10.7% for COB) and carbonylic compounds (12.7% for CG and 13.1% for COB). Fatty acids were abundant only for COB (31.3%). beta-Eudesmol (12.8%), nonacosane (11.8%) and p-vinyl guiacol (7.5%) were recognized as the main constituents for CG, while hexadecanoic acid (21.4%), spathu…

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Studies On Rosmarinic Acid And Its Derivatives

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The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model

We are very grateful to the Fermilab Directorate and the Fermilab Theoretical Physics Department for their financial and logistical support of the first workshop of the Muon g -2 Theory Initiative (held near Fermilab in June 2017) [123], which was crucial for its success, and indeed for the successful start of the Initiative. Financial support for this workshop was also provided by the Fermilab Distinguished Scholars program, the Universities Research Association through a URA Visiting Scholar award, the Riken Brookhaven Research Center, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under Grant No. KAKEHNHI-17H02906. We thank Shoji Hashimoto, Toru Iijima, Takashi Kaneko, and Shohei Nis…

research product

Morphological and molecular variability within the fig cultivar 'Dottato' in the Italian protected designation origin area "fichi di Cosenza"

The morphological and molecular diversity among fig accessions of 'Dottato', found in the PDO "Fichi di Cosenza" area was studied by evaluating 24 morphological traits and by genotyping with 18 microsatellite markers. The microsatellite allelic profiles among the putative clones of 'Dottato' indicated a moderate genetic variability, discriminating unambiguously most of the accessions. Only two groups of identity were found. The average expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.43 and 0.62, respectively. The mean polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.4, varying from 0.08 (LMFC26) to 0.067 (FCUP 38-6). The morphological clustering allowed the distinction of all genotypes. Some genotyp…

research product

Scopolamine Derivatives as Potential Pharmaceuticals with Calixarene-CyclodextrineNanosponges as Drug Carriers

Tropane alkaloids are molecules with a strong biological activity, which are mainly produced by the members offamily Solanaceae, but also found inother plant families (Convolvulaceae, Brasicaceae, Erythroxylaceae andEuphorbiaceae).1 More than 20 active pharmaceutical substances containingthetropane moiety have been industrially produced and applied as mydriatics, antiemetics, antispasmodics, anesthetics and bronchodilators.Nearly all of them are based on the Scopolamine structure.2 In recent years, several researchers aimed their work to the use of supramolecular systems for the inclusion of organic species, such as complex systems based on cyclodextrines or calixarenes.3They have attracted…

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