R. Catalano
Crustal image of the ionian basin and accretionary wedge
The interpretation of the CROP-MARE deep seismic lines has revealed the structure of the Ionian crust and the geometry of the subduction beneath the Calabrian Arc. CROP seismic lines crossing the Ionian abyssal plain and the southeastern Tyrrhenian, through offshore southern Calabria, return an image of a welldeveloped SE-vergent accretionary wedge and the NW-dipping oceanic basement. In the abyssal plain, the Ionian basement images a highly reflective, layered body and a transparent and unstratified band with overlapping hyperbolae, corresponding to an oceanic crust; the oceanic Moho deepens northwards from 9 to more than 10 s/TWT in a few kilometres. The crystalline crust is still coupled…
Successful control of an outbreak of colonization by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae sequence type 258 in a neonatal intensive care unit, Italy
This article reports an outbreak of colonization by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (KPC-Kp) sequence type (ST) 258 in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Palermo, Italy. KPC-Kp ST258 was detected by an active surveillance culture programme. Between 18th September and 14th November 2012, KPC-Kp was isolated from 10 out of 54 neonates admitted in the outbreak period. No cases of infection were recorded. Male sex was associated with colonization, whereas administration of ampicilline-sulbactam plus gentamicin was protective. Infection control interventions interrupted the spread of KPC-Kp without the need to close the NICU to new admissions. (C) 2013 The Healt…
Extensive field mapping in Sicily in the frame of the CARG Project
Rilievi geologici finalizzati alla compilazione di carte geologiche in Sicilia nord-occidentale (Progetto CARG) Vengono descritti i risultati del rilevamento di numerosi fogli geologici a scala 1:50.000 ubicati nella Sicilia settentrionale (dalle Isole Egadi fino ai Monti delle Madonie), eseguito nel quadro del Progetto CARG. I rilievi sul terreno sono stati integrati con i dati di sottosuolo provenienti da profili sismici a riflessione e perforazioni profonde. I risultati ottenuti offrono un quadro a scala regionale dell’assetto stratigrafico-strutturale di uno dei settori più complessi della Catena Siciliano-Maghrebide. Sono state ricostruite le successioni stratigrafiche dei paleodomini …
Mesozoic volcanics of western sicily
The Mesozoic lavas and minor intrusions in the thrust sheets of western Sicily have the following characteristics: 1. The lavas in the Triassic Mufara Formation in the north were broken into fragments which rotated independently within the incompetent strata that enclose them. This behavior is characteristic of igneous rocks found within the more internal (northerly) thrust units. 2. The Jurassic lavas in the more external (southerly) units have consistent directions which agree with those of the Ammonitico Rosso limestones in the same zone and lie about 30° clockwise from those of coeval autochthonous formations in Tunisia.Schult's presumed Cretaceous directions from Custonaci on the north…
On the Mesozoic Ionian Basin
SUMMARY New seismic reflection profiles of the Italian deep crust project CROP provide new insights on the structure of the Ionian sea. In spite of the Apennines and Hellenides Neogene subduction zones, two conjugate passive continental margins are preserved at the margins of the Ionian sea, along the Malta escarpment to the southwest and the Apulian escarpment to the northeast. The Ionian sea is likely to be a remnant of the Mesozoic Tethys Ocean, confined by these two conjugate passive continental margins. The transition from continental to oceanic crust appears sharper to the northeast than to the southwest. The basin between southeast Sicily and southwest Puglia was about 330 km wide an…
Crustal structures of the Sicily orogene along the SIRIPRO seismic profile
The Mazara del Vallo area, a key site to understand the regional geothermal system of Western Sicily
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Comparing marine geology and coastal geomorphology vertical tectonic data, a case study between Acquedolci and Patti (Messina)
The study of new data on vertical movements show a complex geologic response in a restricted sector of coastal area between Acquedolci and Patti (north-eastern Sicily). Different surveys allowed to the recognition of morphological, biological and archaeological markers of paleo-sea level. The analysis of these markers and the absolute datings performed, allowed to reconstruct the history of vertical deformation of this sector but only the comparison among coastal geomorphological data and marine geological data of platform-scarp continental system associates, allowed to find the necessary keys words to explain the geologic complexity of this sector.