A. Pérez
Simulation of many-qubit quantum computation with matrix product states
Matrix product states provide a natural entanglement basis to represent a quantum register and operate quantum gates on it. This scheme can be materialized to simulate a quantum adiabatic algorithm solving hard instances of a NP-Complete problem. Errors inherent to truncations of the exact action of interacting gates are controlled by the size of the matrices in the representation. The property of finding the right solution for an instance and the expected value of the energy are found to be remarkably robust against these errors. As a symbolic example, we simulate the algorithm solving a 100-qubit hard instance, that is, finding the correct product state out of ~ 10^30 possibilities. Accum…
Valorización de residuos con cromo del sector galvánico para su utilización como licor curtiente
El presente trabajo desarrolla la metodología necesaria para el acondicionamiento y valorización de los baños agotados de Cr (VI), provenientes de la industria galvánica, para su utilización como licor curtiente en el sector de curtición.
Síndrome de McCune-Albright: otra forma de neoplasias endocrinas múltiples
Presentamos el caso de una mujer con sindrome de McCune-Albright como paradigma de afeccion tumoral en multiples glandulas endocrinas. El diagnostico de la enfermedad se baso en la presencia de la triada clasica (lesiones hiperpigmentadas cutaneas de color cafe con leche, pubertad precoz y displasia fibrosa). Durante su seguimiento presento hipertiroidismo secundario a bocio multinodular toxico, hiperparatiroidismo, probablemente secundario a hiperplasia paratiroidea, y acromegalia secundaria a adenoma hipofisario productor de hormona de crecimiento. Se comenta la base molecular de la enfermedad y su amplia expresion fenotipica.
Relativistic Wigner function approach to neutrino propagation in matter
In this work we study the propagation of massive Dirac neutrinos in matter with flavor mixing, using statistical techniques based on Relativistic Wigner Functions. First, we consider neutrinos in equilibrium within the Hartree approximation, and obtain the corresponding relativistic dispersion relations and effective masses. After this, we analyze the same system out of equilibrium. We verify that, under the appropiate physical conditions, the well known equations for the MSW effect are recovered. The techniques we used here appear as an alternative to describe neutrino properties and transport equations in a consistent way.
Valoración clínico-quirúrgica de la luxación recidivante de hombro
Los autores pretenden en este traba jo valorar en un período mínimo de 2 años parámetros fisiopatológicos, clínicos y terapéuticos en 17 pacientes intervenidos de luxación recidivante escápulo- humeral. Para la valoración se sigue el método de ROWE, analizando la estabilidad, la función y la movilidad. La edad media fue de 27,8 años. En 15 casos se trataba de una luxación anterior, mientras que la fonna posterior sólo se presentó en el 11,7% (2 casos). La media de luxaciones previas a la cirugía fue de 9. La técnica quirúrgica más empleada fue Jade BANKART, 9 cam;; PU'l"l1-PLA TI, 5 casos, 1 reinserción del rodete con tomillos, un EDEN-llYBBIXETTE y una osteotomía glenoidea posterior. En 7 …
Influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing outpatient, inpatient, and severe cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza.
Background. In most seasons, the influenza vaccine is effective in preventing influenza, but it is not clear whether it is equally effective in preventing mild and severe cases. We designed a case-control study to compare the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in preventing outpatient, inpatient, and severe or fatal cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza. Methods. Hospitalized patients (n = 691) with laboratory-confirmed influenza in the 2010–2011 season recruited in 29 Spanish hospitals were individually matched by age, admission/visit date, and province with an outpatient with laboratory-confirmed influenza and an outpatient control. Severe cases were considered those patients admitt…
Risk factors associated with retinal vein occlusion
Summary Aims Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is the most frequent retinal vascular disease after diabetic retinopathy in which arterial risk factors are much more relevant than venous factors. The objective was to evaluate the role of risk factors in the development of the first episode of RVO. Subjects and Methods One hundred patients with RVO [mean age 56 years, 42% females and mean body mass index (BMI) 27.5 kg/m2] were recruited consecutively from the outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital in Valencia (Spain). All subjects underwent clinical assessment including anthropometric and blood pressure measurements and laboratory test including homocysteine, antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLAs) …