A. Agodi

Mental health of medical students belonging to sexual minorities: A focus on help-seeking behavior in an Italian multicenter survey

The aim was to examine social, university, health-related differences among heterosexual and Sexual Minority Medical students (SM-Meds), and explore predictors of help-seeking behavior (i.e., current psychological support and hypothetical university counseling use). A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in Italy (2018). Questionnaires included socio-demographic items and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Chi-squared tests and multivariable regressions adjusted for BDI-II score were performed (sample size = 2513). SM-Meds were 13.9%. SM-Meds with depressive symptoms were 40.5%. Both considering overall and non-depressed students, SM-Meds exercised less and had worst relation…

research product

Network SPIN-UTI: valutazione degli aspetti organizzativi ed operativi del ProgettoSPIN

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Una rete nazionale di sorveglianza prospettica delle infezioni nosocomiali (IN) nelle terapie intensive (SPIN-UTI): la formazione per la standardizzazione delle procedure di rilevazione dei dati

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research product

building a benchmark througth active surveillance: the Italian Network SPIN-UTI

research product

Impact of the environment on the health: From theory to practice

The Erice 56 Charter titled "Impact of the environment on the health: from theory to practice" was unanimously approved at the end of the 56th course of the "International School of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine G. D'Alessandro" held from 3th to 7th November 2019 in Erice - Sicily (Italy) and promoted by the Study Group of "Environment and Health" of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. The course, that included lectures, open discussions and guided working groups, was aimed to provide a general training on epidemiological and toxicological aspects of the environmental health impact, to be used by public health professionals for risk assessment, with…

research product

La sorveglianza della tubercolosi in Sicilia

Obiettivi. Descrivere l’andamento dei casi di tubercolosi (TB) in Sicilia negli anni 2010-2013. Disegno e partecipanti. Indagine osservazionale delle notifiche di TB relative agli anni 2010-2013 mediante l’analisi dei dati del Sistema informativo delle malattie infettive (SIMI) e indagine epidemiologico-molecolare mediante tipizzazione spoligo- e 24- loci mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable number of tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTR) dei ceppi di Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) isolati a Palermo negli anni 2012-2013. Risultati. Negli anni 2010-2013 sono stati notificati in Sicilia 876 casi di TB con un tasso medio annuale di notifica pari a 4,4 casi per 100.000 abitanti.…

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La Genomica in Sanità Pubblica.
Sintesi delle evidenze e delle conoscenze disponibili sull’utilizzo della genomica ai fini della prevenzione.

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Un approccio bayesiano per lo studio dell’associazione gene-ambiente in assenza di equilibrio di Hardy-Weinberg in un contesto multivariabile: studio della suscettibilità genetica al cervico-carcinoma

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