Barbara Grochowicz
Electromagnetic Hyperthermia — Foundations and Computer Modelling
The usage of heating power as a healing system has been well-known for long time. A completely new motivation, however, came up when heat treating was recognized as a new and promising form of cancer therapy. It was found that cancer growth was stopped at temperature higher than about 42 C. It created new subject of research in the area of application of electromagnetic fields in medicine. In the paper the two main methods of heating have been described and two kinds of devices have been presented. Some advantages and drawbacks of the methods are discussed.
Initial Study on Implementation of the Low-Frequency Wave Markers for the Purpose of Diagnostic Tests’ Performance and Neurofeedback Therapy
Abstract The paper focuses on automation of signal processing, which also considers analysis of biomedical data, such as EEG. The results of the study prove that this enables a better understanding of signal changes and makes it possible to address some specific disturbances. It also makes it possible to describe the relevant changes in signals mathematically and helps to create markers of various brain disorders. This paper presents the study at the initial stage and focuses on the mathematical markers of concentration disorders associated with Theta waves. The presented markers presented are based on Welch’s periodograms. The obtained results are very promising and further studies aimed a…