Clinical benefits of a Bayesian model for plasma-derived factor VIII/VWF after one year of pharmacokinetic-guided prophylaxis in severe/moderate hemophilia A patients
Abstract Introduction Individual pharmacokinetic (PK) profiling in hemophilia A (HA) helps to individualize prophylaxis using population PK models (popPK). A specific popPK model for plasma-derived factor VIII containing von-Willebrand Factor (pdFVIII/VWF) was developed. Aim To compare standard versus PK-driven prophylaxis, using a generic or a specific popPK model for pdFVIII/VWF. Materials and methods A prospective study conducted in HA patients in prophylaxis with pdFVIII/VWF (Fanhdi®) comparing three one-year study periods: (1) standard prophylaxis, (2) PK-guided prophylaxis using a generic pdFVIII popPK model which described FVIII activity irrespective of FVIII concentrate, and (3) PK-…