José Lozada

An assessment of the floristic composition, structure and possible origin of a liana forest in the Guayana Shield

Liana is a life form that possess high importance in many neotropical forests. Density of climbers apparently increases with the intervention rate (eg. logging). The aim of this work is to characterize the structure, floristic composition and soils of a sector classified as Liana Forest (LF). We identified a LF sector in a not-logged area; three 1 ha square plots were measured (individuals ≥ 10 cm dbh, “diameter at breast height”). In each plot we evaluate four 100 m2 square understory sub-plots (all spermatophyta individuals < 10 cm dbh). LF has a low canopy (< 15 m) and is dominated by Alexa imperatricis and Pentaclethra macroloba. Basal area (20.4 m2ha-1) and diversity (H´= 2.6) ar…

research product

Relaciones suelo-vegetación en una toposecuencia del Escudo Guayanés, Venezuela

El Escudo Guayanés es uno de los territorios más antiguos del planeta; tiene millones de años sometido a procesos de lixiviación y erosión que dejan suelos oligotróficos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue hacer la caracterización de los parámetros físicos y químicos de los suelos, en diferentes comunidades boscosas de la Reserva Forestal Imataca, e identificar ciertas relaciones entre los componentes edáficos y las especies que allí se presentan. Se realizó un inventario de todos los individuos mayores a 10cm dap (diámetro a la altura del pecho) en 15 parcelas (1ha); en cada una de esas parcelas se evaluaron cuatro sub-parcelas de sotobosque (100m²) para contabilizar todas las espermatofitas;…

research product

The organismic and the continuous approaches applied to phytosociological relationships in a lowland neotropical forest, Venezuela

Abstract The Organismic and the Continuous theories are traditionally considered as antagonist in ecology studies. In this research, we make the floristic characterization of different forest communities and establish the corresponding classification, taking into account the approaches derived from the theories aforementioned. We used 1 ha plots to evaluate individuals bigger than 10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height). In each one of that plots, four sub-plots of 100 m2 were measured, to study all the spermatophyta in the understory. The data obtained were considered in an Enlarged Importance Index (EII), for each species in each plot. Then, the phytosociological relationships were establis…

research product