Results of an Open Clinical Trial of Brofaromine (CGP 11 305 A), a Competitive, Selective, and Short-Acting Inhibitor of MAO-A in Major Endogenous Depression
In an open clinical trial the authors treated 18 hospitalized patients suffering from endogenous depression with brofaromine (CGP 11305A), a competitive, selective, and short-acting inhibitor of type A monoamine oxidase (MAO). Four patients were defined as good responders, as they had a final HAMD score of between 0 and 7 points. Four patients were judged as improved, with final HAMD scores of between 8 and 15 points, while the remaining eight patients failed to respond (final HAMD score greater than or equal to 16 points). The major observations were a beneficial influence on drive in most patients, while paranoid symptoms worsened markedly, rendering the substance contraindicated in psych…