S Pintacuda
Saturated and unsaturated free fatty acids (FFA) modulate differently HDL uptake in hepatoma HEPG2 cells
Livelli ridotti di cistatina C nell’infarto miocardico acuto vs. angina instabile, aneurisma aortico e controlli normali
Prevalenza di fattori di rischio e variazione temporale dei parametri lipidici in una serie consecutiva di 350 infarti acuti del miocardio registrati in una unita’ intensiva di Palermo.
Effects of dialysis on the cardiovascular risk of uremic patients: increase in levels of remnant particles
Effetti della dialisi sul rischio cardiovascolare nei pazienti uremici: aumento delle particelle remnants
Dati di mortalita’ e morbilita’ del follow-up condotto su 123 pazienti sottoposti ad angioplastica coronarica
A temporary endoscopic solution that significantly improves the prognosis of Bouveret’s syndrome
We report the case of a 73-year-old woman who was hospitalized for mild abdominal pain after her referral following a diagnostic assessment of acute lithiasic cholecystitis. After the spontaneus regression of her painful symptoms and fever and several days of well-being, her clinically acute abdominal features suddenly showed an obstruction of the upper gastrointestinal tract. An emergency esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) confirmed that a large gallstone completely obstructed the pylorus as previously demonstrated by an ultrasound examination of the gallbladder. During the course of endoscopy, removal of the gallstone from the duodenum was achieved by pulling it into the stomach; the patie…
Correction of cardiovascular risks factor after an acute coronary syndrome: impact of pharmacological therapies on a two-years follow-up
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