G. Galtieri
Pull-off adhesion of hybrid glass-steel adhesive joints in salt fog environment
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the durability behaviour of glass/steel adhesive joints exposed to salt fog environmental conditions for ten weeks, according to ASTM B117 standard. To this scope, pull-off mechanical tests were carried out in order to evaluate the performances evolution and damage phenomena of the adhesive joints during the ageing exposition. Two different types of adhesives were compared (i.e. epoxy and polyurethane ones). Moreover, the effects of the glass surface condition and the presence of a basalt mat layer within the adhesive thickness were evaluated. The mechanical performances were related with the occurred failure mechanisms. Epoxy-based joints showed higher…
Effects of natural fibres reinforcement in lime plasters (kenaf and sisal vs. Polypropylene)
Nowadays the tendency to realize environment-friendly products is becoming more widespread to ensure sustainable and smart development. The synthetic fibres, frequently used, are harmful to the environment because they are non-degradable and non-renewable. Their use has resulted in an increase of oil consumption. Therefore, the possibility of replacing them with natural fibres becomes increasingly concrete confirmed by the researches and investigations carried out. In this work three lime based plasters were prepared and analysed to evaluate the influence on their performance of different fibres used as reinforcement. In particular each plaster was realised by adding to the mortar the same …
Mechanical behaviour of SPR/co-cured composite to aluminium joints
Effects of aging in salt spray conditions on flax and flax/basalt reinforced composites: Wettability and dynamic mechanical properties
Abstract In the last years, the industrial policies are more attentive to issues concerning sustainability, recycling and environmental care. Therefore, the use of natural fibres in composite materials has spread more and more. This paper deals with flax and basalt fibres within an epoxy matrix by investigating the wettability and the dynamic mechanical properties of the resulting composites, subjected to long-term aging tests in critical environmental conditions. The first laminate was constituted by stacking ten layers of bidirectional flax fabrics. The second one was produced by replacing two external flax layers with two layers of basalt mat, for each side of the laminate. Both laminate…
Effect of curing time on the performances of hybrid/mixed joints
Abstract The aim of this work is the study of a mixed method used for the joining of aluminum alloys with glass reinforced polymer’s substrates (in the next GFRP). In particular, the technique of self-piercing riveting (in the next SPR) was applied on a co-cured joint in order to evaluate the influence of the time of inserting the rivet on the mechanical behavior of the mixed joints. Three different joints were realized: adhesive by co-curing technique, mechanical by self piercing riveting (in the next SPR) and a mixed one in which the joining techniques (i.e. adhesive and mechanical) were combined. In particular, to determine the optimum time to insert the rivet, three different times from…