Pedro Pablo Ferrer Gallego

Adiciones a la distribución de Lilium candidum L. (Liliaceae) como especie asilvestrada en las provincias de Castellón y Valencia

Se indica la presencia de Lilium candidum como especie alóctona asilvestrada en varias zonas del territorio valenciano. -- Lilium candidum is found as escaped allochtonous species in several places of the Valencian Community (Spain).

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Árbol genealógico botánico de Gonzalo Mateo Sanz

In this paper we explain the historical evolution of valencian Botany science to the prestigious figure of Dr. Gonzalo Mateo Sanz. We divide it into 4 periods. In the first period (XI and XII centuries) the study of plants was motivated by medicinal uses; there, we can highlight the botanist Abbu-S-Salt Umayya. Along the second period (XIII-XVII) the study of plants due to their medical interest continued on. For that period the figures of Arnau de Vilanova, Muhammad Al Shafra, Pere Jaume Esteve, Joan Plaça and Jaime Honorato Pomar can be remarked. Joan Plaça created the botanical garden of the University of Valencia. During the third period (XVII-XIX) the study of plants was considered as …

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Sobre Sonchus tenerimus L. (Compositae) y su variabilidad en la flora valenciana

The variability of Sonchus tenerrimus L. (Compositae) is analyzed from material in the coastal mountains of the Valencian Community (Spain). Two new subspecies are described: S. tenerrimus subsp. polypodioides subsp. nov., and S. tenerrimus subsp. halodianae subsp. nov., a description and an iconography for each of them is included. Three names are also lectotypified: S. dianae Lacaita ex Willk., S. tenerrimus var. arborescens Salzm. ex Ball, and S. tenerrimus var. maritimus Ball from original material conserved in the herbaria BM and K

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Dos nuevos híbridos en el género Thymus (Lamiaceae)

Two new hybrids for the genus Thymus L.(Lamiaceae) are described; Th. ×josephi-angeli nothosubsp. occultus, nothosubsp. nov., as a result of natural crossing between Th. piperella L. and Th. vulgaris subsp. mansanetianus P.P. Ferrer & al., and Th. ×royoi, nothosp. nov., coming from the natural crossing between Th. vulgaris L. and Th. willkommii Ronniger. In addition, a lectotype of the name Thymus willkommii is designated from a specimen preserved at BC herbarium

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Sobre la descripción de Sideritis ×antonii-josephii (Labiatae)

?Sideritis ×antoniijosephii? (Labiatae) was proposed in 1947 as a new hybrid by Pío Font i Quer from material collected inTeruel (Spain) on the occasion of a century dedicated to Cavanilles and distributed in an exsiccata in1947. This hybrid was proposed as the result of the natural cross between ?S. glacialis var. pulvinata? and S. hirsuta. However, the name of this hybrid, considered by some authors as validly described, is sofar an invalid name because it was not effectively published. In this work the effective publication of the description of this hybrid is carried out, specifying the identity of its parents according to the current taxonomy of the genus.

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Sobre los tipos nomenclaturales de dos táxones de Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae) de la flora valenciana

Se designan los tipos nomenclaturales de dos taxones del género Rhamnus descritos de las comarcas valencianas. Por un lado, se lectotipifica el nombre Rh. lycioides var. pubescens Rouy −sinónimo de Rh. lycioides subsp. borgiae Rivas Mart. & J.M. Pizarro−, a partir del material original recolectado en las montañas de Játiva (Valencia). Por otro, se considera que el neótipo recientemente designado para el nombre Rh. valentina Willd. −sinónimo de Rh. pumila L.−, debería aceptarse realmente como un lectótipo. Nomenclatural types are designated for two taxa of the genus Rhamnus described from the Valencia Region (E of Spain). On the one hand, the name Rh. lycioides var. pubescens Rouy −a synonym…

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The species Phoenix excelsior Cav., its typification and diversity of complex Ph. dactylifera L. (Arecaceae)

Se analiza y discute la diversidad y nomenclatura dentro del complejo de Phoenix dactylifera valorando la importancia de Phoenix excelsior Cav. para la caracterización del grupo occidental de palmeras datileras cuyo núcleo más definido lo constituye la palmera datilera española. Ante la ausencia de holotipo y de material original de Ph. excelsior se designa un neótipo. The diversity and nomenclature within the Phoenix dactylifera complex is analyzed and discussed, assessing the importance of Phoenix excelsior Cav. for the characterization of the western group of date palms whose most defined core is the Spanish date palm. In the absence of holotype and original material of Ph. excelsior a n…

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Typification of the marine siphonous green algae Caulerpa prolifera (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta)

The typification of the marine siphonous green algae Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskål) J.V. Lamouroux (≡ Fucus prolifer Forsskål) (Caulerpaceae), including f. obovata (J. Agardh) Weber-van Bosse and f. zosterifolia Børgesen, is discussed. Original material conserved in the Natural History Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen) at C (Herbarium Forsskålii) and in the Botanical Museum of Lund University at LD are designated as the corresponding lectotypes.

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Cleome gynandra L. (Cleomaceae), nueva especia alóctona en la flora continental europea continental

A new exotic plant species to Europe, Cleome gynandra L. (Cleomaceae), has been detected in Valencia (Spain), using the ?seed stowaway? strategy in horticultural substrata under greenhouse conditions.

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Sideritis ×currasii (labiatae), nuevo orófito de origen híbrido para la provincia de Teruel.

A new nothotaxon is desribed: Sideritis × currasii, found on a sheet in the José Borja Carbonell?s herbarium at VAL, which has been identified as a result of the crossing between S. hirsuta L. and S. javalambrensis Pau. A complete description and comparative iconography are provided.

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Revised typifications of four Léon Dufour's names

The typifications of four Léon Dufours's names are revised. The lectotype of Centaurea scorpiurifolia (Compositae) is designated from original material preserved in the ?Herbier Léon Dufour? at BORD (available at: Archives départementales des Landes). The neotypes of Centaurea stenophylla and Thalictrum maritimum (Ranunculaceae) were designated from material preserve at P and VAL herbaria, respectively. However, original material has been found at BORD. Therefore, the lectotypes of C. stenophylla and T. maritimum are designated in this work according to Art. 9.19(a) of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN). On the other hand, the lectotype of Centaurea dr…

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Four new combinations in Salvia L. (Labiatae)

Four new combinations in the genus Salvia L. (Labiatae) are proposed: Salvia rosmarinus subsp. palaui, S. rosmarinus subsp. valentina, S. ×lavandulacea (= S. jordanii × S. rosmarinus) and S. ×mendizabalii (= S. granatensis × S. rosmarinus).

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Puccinellia hispanica Juliá & J. M. Montserrat (Poaceae) en la Comunidad Valenciana

Durante una campaña de herborización por las comarcas interiores de la provincia de Valencia se recolectó material de una interesante especie de gramínea perteneciente al género Puccinellia Parl., inicialmente asignada al taxon P. festuciformis (Host.) Parl. subsp. convoluta (Hornem.) W. E. Hughes (Ferrer & Guara, 2005) El estudio detallado de los pliegos de herbario y la revisión del material recolectado por parte del especialista en el género Dr. J. M. Montserrat (Institut Botànic de Barcelona), ha permitido concluir que se trata del taxon P. hispanica Julià & J. M. Montserrat, especie íbero-magrebí de la que hasta el presente no se tenía constancia de su presencia en la Comunidad Valenci…

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Teucrium ronnigeri Sennen (Lamiaceae) y sus variaciones

Se aportan datos sobre Teucrium ronnigeri Sennen, nombre prioritario para el endemismo iberolevantino que ha venido denominándose T. aureum subsp. latifolium o T. homotrichum. Se discute su variabilidad morfológica a lo largo de su área de distribución, sobre todo en lo que afecta a la coloración general de la planta, anchura de las hojas superiores, color de la corola y tamaño de los cálices y glomérulos florales. Pese a la enorme variación observada, se acepta que las poblaciones del extremo meridional de Alicante y áreas limítrofes con Murcia, constituyen una entidad particular, para la que se propone la nueva combinación T. ronnigeri subsp. lagunae, la cual se diferencia de la típica, T…

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Planes de recuperación de flora amenazada de la comunidad valenciana. Resultados tras tres años de la aprobación de la normativa legal

The Valencian Community (Spain) holds three plant species (Cistus heterophyllus Desf., Limonium perplexum L. Sáez & Rosselló and Silene hifacensis Rouy ex Willk.) listed into the category In danger of extinction, for which there is a joint Recovery Plan passed by the Valencian Government through the Order 1/2015, January 8, of the Department of Infrastructures, Land and Environment. Among the aims of this Recovery Plan, to improve the conservation status of these species in the Valencian territory, provisions of its Article 3 are highlighted. This article specifies that they population values that justify their passage of the category In danger of extinction to Vulnerable must be reached. T…

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On the identity of Abutilon arboreum (Malvaceae) in Spain

The identity of a recently detected population of Abutilon arboreum in the Valencian area was critically re-assessed. It was shown that the plants in fact belong to the South American A. grandifolium, a species that has become a widespread weed in warm-temperate and subtropical regions across the world.

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Lectotipificación de Helianthemum fontqueri Sennen (Cistaceae), nombre prioritario sobre H. abelardoi Alcaraz

The typification of the name Helianthemum fontqueri Sennen (Cistaceae) is discussed. A specimen preserved in the Sennen Herbarium (BC-SENNEN, Barcelona) is designated as a lectotypus, with several isolectotypus in other herbaria. Its synonymy is discussed and is included within the present taxon to the recently described H. abelardoi Alcaraz. Finally, a detailed map with the current known distribution of the species is presented.

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Revisión de la tipificación de Teucrium intricatum (Lamiaceae)

The nomenclatural type of Teucrium intricatum (Lamiaceae) is discussed. A previous typification proposal was published in 1986 by Rosúa & Navarro, and these authors are mentioned as type a specimen preserved at C. However, unfortunately, this proposal is ineffective, being contrary to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code, 2018). In this work a lectotype for this name is designated from a specimen preserved at K (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew).

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Evolución de las poblaciones y aspectos de conservación del endemismo valenciano en peligro de extinción Limonium perplexum

Limonium perplexum Sáez & Rosselló (Plumbaginaceae) es un endemismo exclusivo de la Comunidad Valenciana (Sáez & Rosselló, 1999), únicamente presente en los acantilados de la Sierra de Irta (Peñíscola, Castellón) (Gómez-Serrano et al., 2005), donde se localiza la única población nativa conocida hasta la fecha, dentro de la microrreserva de flora denominada "Torre de la Badum".

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Anthyllis x fortuita, un nuevo híbrido natural en el género Anthyllis L. (Leguminosae).

En la presente aportación se describe un nuevo híbrido natural interseccional entre A. lagascana Benedí (Benedí, 1995), incluido en la sección Aspalathoides DC., de distribución íbero-norteafricana, que en la Península Ibérica se encuentra localizado en el cuadrande suroriental, concretamente en las provincias de Albacete, Alicante, Murcia y Valencia (Benedí, 1998, 2000), y A. terniflora, taxon que algunos botánicos consideran endémico del sudeste peninsular (Bolòs & Vigo, 1984; Laguna , 1998; Mateo & Crespo, 2003) pero que para Benedí (2000, 2002) contaría con poblaciones en el norte de África.

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On the nomenclatural type of Lonicera valentina (Caprifoliaceae)

The nomenclatural type of Lonicera valentina Pau ex Willkomm has been recently discussed. A specimen preserved in the Pau?s herbarium at MA has been indicated as the ?holotype? of the name. However, the gathering cited in the protologue was originally represented by three specimens, and therefore a lectotype must be designated according to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.

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Sobre un híbrido nuevo de Ruscus L. (Asparagaceae), para la flora ibérica, procedente de la provincia de Valencia (España)

A new hybrid of the genus Ruscus L. (Asparagaceae), Ruscus ×murtae, nothosp. nov., is described and illustrated. This hybrid comes from the cross between R. aculeatus and R. hypophyllum and it has been found in the Natural Site of La Murta (Valencia, Spain).

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Sobre los tipos nomenclaturales de dos especies de Asso en Lamiaceae

The typification of two names in Lamiaceae proposed by the Aragonese botanist I.J. de Asso y del Río (1742-1814) is discussed. In addition, a neotype for the name Sideritis riklii, currently a synonym of S. romana, is designated.

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Global environmental changes in a unique flora : endangered plant communities in the Valencia region

The expected effects of global environmental change over the coming decades may worsen the situation for many currently endangered Valencian plants, even leading to the localised extinction of some species which have no replacement habitats. This paper analyses four cases of affected environments: coastal systems, wetlands, sub-Mediterranean shade forests, and high mountain vegetation.

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Tipos nomenclaturales para las especies descritas por Léon Dufour a partir de material recolectado en el territorio valenciano (España)

The checklist of the new taxa for the science described by Léon Dufour from material colected in Valencian Community (Spain) is provided. A total of 29 taxa were described in 1817, 1820, 1831 and 1860. In 1817 Dufour described 1 species, in 1820 described 12 species, in 1831 a total of 4 species, and in 1860 Duforur described 11 species. Silene tubiflora has Dufour as the autor of the name, but was described by N.S. Turczaninow. At present, 15 names of these taxa are valid, while 3 are illegitimate. Six of the effective names are basonyms. Eleven taxa are accepted with a range of species (incl. 1 nothospecies), and four at the subspecies level (incl. 1 nothosubspecies). In this paper, 13 no…

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