Florent Macé

Les cercles de qualité médecins-pharmaciens, un mode de collaboration vertueux expérimenté en France

S’inspirant du modele suisse, l’unite mixte de developpement professionnel continu sante de l’universite de Bourgogne a mis en place, sur neuf sites, des cercles de qualite medecins-pharmaciens sur le territoire francais. Les resultats, attendus en 2021, permettront d’evaluer l’apport de ces cercles dans differentes organisations de soins primaires et mettront en avant les freins ainsi que les leviers rencontres avant le lancement d’une experimentation plus large.

research product

Pharmaciens et coordination des soins primaires en France : quels enjeux ?

La coordination pluri professionnelle est un axe fort de la reorganisation des soins primaires en France. Si cette coordination concerne a priori tous les professionnels de sante, certains sont dans les faits, a l’instar du pharmacien d’officine, encore faiblement impliques. Cet article se propose d’examiner les enjeux de l’integration des pharmaciens dans a un exercice coordonne des soins primaires en France. Il s’appuie d’une part sur une analyse des experimentations faites dans d’autres systemes de sante et de leurs evaluations. D’autre part, il developpe une premiere reflexion sur les obstacles qui pourraient expliquer la faible integration actuelle des pharmaciens en France, et sur les…

research product

Physician pharmacist practice groups : consistency and feasibility in the primary healthcare system. Evaluation of an experiment in France

The regulation of drug prescription by general practitioners is based on various mechanisms, but unlike other countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland), it does not include practice groups between general practitioners and community pharmacists (GPMPs). This thesis analyses the coherence and, above all, the feasibility of such practice groups in our health system. The first chapter presents a macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis of the drug prescription by French general practitioners (GPs). It emphasises that it is an important target for regulatory policy because of its contribution to health expenditure but also its health impact, with prescriptions whose relevance could be i…

research product

Pharmaciens et coordination des soins primaires en France : quels enjeux ?

Multi-professional coordination is a strong axis of the reorganization of primary care in France. While this coordination concerns a priori all health professionals, some of them actually are still marginally involved. This article examines the challenges of integrating pharmacists into primary care in France. On the one hand, it is based on an analysis of experiments carried out in other health systems, and on their evaluations. On the other hand, it develops an initial reflection on the levers and obstacles that could explain in France, the poor integration of pharmacists but also on the challenges of a stronger presence of these professionals in the coordination of primary care.

research product

Voyage d’étude autour de la pratique officinale suisse

International audience; Twenty-seven students from the Dijon health sciences training and research unit in the 6th year of their course and specialising in the community setting had the opportunity to undertake a study trip to meet Swiss colleagues. They discovered an innovative vision of pharmacy practice. The results of a feedback questionnaire highlighted the benefit of this pedagogical approach for the construction of the professional identity of these future community pharmacists.; L’intégration d’un voyage d’étude dans le cursus pharmaceutique parcours “officine” a permis à 27 étudiants de 6e année de l’unité de formation et de recherche des sciences de santé de Dijon d’aller à la ren…

research product