M. ÁNgeles Marqués-torrejón
Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 controls adult neural stem cell expansion by regulating Sox2 gene expression.
Summary In the adult brain, continual neurogenesis of olfactory neurons is sustained by the existence of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the subependymal niche. Elimination of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21) leads to premature exhaustion of the subependymal NSC pool, suggesting a relationship between cell cycle control and long-term self-renewal, but the molecular mechanisms underlying NSC maintenance by p21 remain unexplored. Here we identify a function of p21 in the direct regulation of the expression of pluripotency factor Sox2, a key regulator of the specification and maintenance of neural progenitors. We observe that p21 directly binds a Sox2 enhancer and negatively regulate…
Telomere Shortening in Neural Stem Cells Disrupts Neuronal Differentiation and Neuritogenesis
Proliferation in the subependymal zone (SEZ) and neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb decline in the forebrain of telomerase-deficient mice. The present work reveals additional effects of telomere shortening on neuronal differentiation, as adult multipotent progenitors with critically short telomeres yield reduced numbers of neurons that, furthermore, exhibit underdeveloped neuritic arbors. Genetic data indicate that the tumor suppressor protein p53 not only mediates the adverse effects of telomere attrition on proliferation and self-renewal but it is also involved in preventing normal neuronal differentiation of adult progenitors with dysfunctional telomeres. Interestingly, progenitor cells …
A combined ex/in vivo assay to detect effects of exogenously added factors in neural stem cells.
We describe a protocol developed/modified by our group for the ex vivo and in vivo assessment of the response to a soluble factor of murine neural stem cells from the adult sub-ventricular zone (SVZ). The procedure includes several experimental options that can be used either independently or in combination. Potential factor effects on self-renewal, survival and proliferation are assayed by means of neurosphere cultures, with the factor administered directly in vitro to the culture plates (Step 1) or infused in vivo immediately before tissue dissociation (Step 3). We also use bromodeoxiuridine (BrdU) retention to label slowly dividing cells in vivo and subsequently perform two different typ…