Maternal serum ghrelin levels in early IVF pregnancies: lack of prognostic value for viable pregnancy and altered post-prandial responses
Background Ghrelin is a pleiotropic hormone, involved in the control of growth and metabolism, whose circulating levels fluctuate in relation to food intake and body mass index. Ghrelin has been detected in the decidualized endometrium, as well as in human and rat placenta. Methods A total of 106 patients undergoing IVF procedures were prospectively recruited. On Days 16 and 23 after oocyte retrieval, the patients were subjected to blood sampling after overnight fasting, for determination of serum ghrelin, hCGbeta and progesterone levels. In addition, ghrelin levels were assayed in these groups, 2 h after ingestion of a fixed-calorie meal. Results The subjects were divided according to whet…