Color centers in diamond as novel probes of superconductivity
Magnetic imaging using color centers in diamond through both scanning and wide-field methods offers a combination of unique capabilities for studying superconductivity, for example, enabling accurate vector magnetometry at high temperature or high pressure, with spatial resolution down to the nanometer scale. The paper briefly reviews various experimental modalities in this rapidly developing nascent field and provides an outlook towards possible future directions.
Spin-lattice relaxation of individual solid-state spins
Understanding the effect of vibrations on the relaxation process of individual spins is crucial for implementing nanosystems for quantum information and quantum metrology applications. In this work, we present a theoretical microscopic model to describe the spin-lattice relaxation of individual electronic spins associated to negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, although our results can be extended to other spin-boson systems. Starting from a general spin-lattice interaction Hamiltonian, we provide a detailed description and solution of the quantum master equation of an electronic spin-one system coupled to a phononic bath in thermal equilibrium. Special attention is given…
Wide-Field Imaging of Superconductor Vortices with Electron Spins in Diamond
Understanding the mechanisms behind high-$T_{c}$ Type-II superconductors (SC) is still an open task in condensed matter physics. One way to gain further insight into the microscopic mechanisms leading to superconductivity is to study the magnetic properties of the SC in detail, for example by studying the properties of vortices and their dynamics. In this work we describe a new method of wide-field imaging magnetometry using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond to image vortices in an yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) thin film. We demonstrate quantitative determination of the magnetic field strength of the vortex stray field, the observation of vortex patterns for different cooling fi…