M. Lamartina
Clinical examination, PSA and transrectal ultrasound in the detection of prostate cancer. Our experience
– In this retrospective study, the Authors report their experience on the analysis of sensitivity and specificity of DRE, PSA and transrectal ultrasound, individually and in association, in the study of 118 patients with suspected prostate cancer. Results show that the association of these three techniques give a specificity of 96.6% but low sensitivity (53%).
Kelfiprim, a new sulpha-trimethoprim combination, versus cotrimoxazole, in the treatment of urinary tract infections: a multicentre, double-blind trial.
A new combination of trimethoprim with a sulphonamide, named Kelfiprim, differs from cotrimoxazole in that: a) the sulpha drug is sulphamethopyrazine instead of sulphamethoxazole; b) the trimethoprim to sulpha ratio is 5:4 instead of 1:5;c) the presence of a long-acting sulphonamide allows the administration of a daily dose of one capsule, following an initial loading dose of two capsules; d) a reduced amount of trimethoprim is given, as compared to cotrimoxazole, without any decrease of efficacy. Kelfiprim [KP] was compared to contrimoxazole [Co] in a multicentre double blind trial. Sixty four patients suffering from acute and chronic infections of the upper and lower urinary tract entered…
Urodynamics and Overactive Bladder (OAB). What's the incidence of detrusorial overactivity (DO) and What's the role of isometric detrusorial pressure? A prospective stdy.
Patterns urodinamici in pazienti con prostatodinia
The Authors report their experience on 24 patients with prostatodynia. The Adynamic alterations, which occur in most cases, show the usefulness of cystomanometry and pressure-flow study for providing a better nosological picture and therapeutic management.